Jackal Returns - Day 8 (5/20) - TOWN WINS


:vote Kelsier:

I mean how do i vote

Yeah you click that button


:vote: Kelsier :v:



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That button is On Mobile

VOTE: Kelsier

hey kelsier you should vote eve it would be epic

OH i see the confusion. ill send the screenshot of where it is in the reply tab it is the same icon

VOTE: Eve sure sounds funni enough

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confirmed town behavior

Ima go back to watching twitch chat orders the worst possivle pizza ever cyall

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He’s done this the last 2 games we’ve played knowing full well I can’t play outside a hydra. I don’t think it’s a good idea to interact with it, I’m gonna go while he still thinks he can bully people for fun

@bystander you shoudl vote eve too

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consider the following:


I’m lock good gg ez