Jackal Returns - Day 8 (5/20) - TOWN WINS

Thats a good question

so i’m still sort of neutral on jail. they haven’t l said anything really. and that’s fine.
The real reason for me is that sometimes I like to tie votes to force people to choose between wagons. When people tiebreak a wagon that can generate a lot of information- for instance, if the current VC was the the VC at EoD and someone tiebroke against lemon and they flipped wolf, it would be EXTREMELY weird if that person was groupscum and not jackal right? So we can clearly go like these two people are not alligned

i mean i pointed something out that was strange earlier but it was also like NAI and then i poiinted out that fmpov they haven’t really said anything. all of this is very null. I’ll probably move my vote before the end of the day (although like I am up 12 hours before EoD so I might not unless I check right when i wake up. Lilith I give you full permission to vote however whenever you’re awake)



1287 (self-vote)



@Daeron @TheBlueElixir what makes you no longer vote Jail on day 2

is this alignment indicative for them

Daeron is MIA
they haven’t posted D2.

cause genuinely you could probably make an argument like this for half the players. me included

It is coincidence that blue once voted Jail now voting with them

I don’t think so.
Bionic really acted sus start of D2. (including their self–vote and such.)

But only blue can answer your question, to be honest.

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It’s a misleading question…
Blue voted Bionic before jail.
so you can take my previous answer about Blue as null.

jail could be opportunistic, but I think for Blue it’s NAI, that they are happen to vote the same person.

In short:
It’s not a coincidence, because people can have similar reads on a sus person.

But I think it is just a coincidence, that those reads come from two players, where one voted the other previously.

Ok. Do you have any specific questions for me? Ill answer them as in depth from my mind as i can :crossed_fingers:

I will lock in

Yes. and we especially arent partnered considering i am town so you cannot shade tbe this way

bionic is very obviously in his wolf meta

aka straight up pushing wolf agenda

jarek has started looking ~better with his posts today

I now want to kill bionic before him, and probably then i still think i may just be wrong and geeking

Im also intrigued on how you guys fail to notice the several people putting me at the bottom of their readslists with almost zero actual self evident thought behind it

it is almost as if the push on me is scum motivated

also none of you should be preflipping using me especially before quoting me or even trying to int tyvm im free rn btw

bc being town and seeing frost shade tbe is literally giggle worthy but it might actually make frost town bc lack of tmi