Jackal Returns - Day 8 (5/20) - TOWN WINS

someone help me I just got in here

Magnus has something

lemon (5): Marluna, Magnus, Apocryphal, Frostwolf103, lol
jail (5): Phraze, beancat, Eve, Bionic, Jarek
Bionic (4): TheBlueElixir, jail, Kelsier, IcetFeelsPain

Not Voting (4): Hazardwaste, lemon, Wazza, Sayno

the towniest wagon imo is probably jail’s and i dont love bionic’s but, counterpoint, its multiball

I forgor what specifically :skull:

If I had to force a tie vote I’d rather it be these two : 3

bionic has produced two reads a couple votes yesterday and has not provided reasons for any of them. looks like very paper thing productivity, trying to go utr maybe. Has self voted.

jail was cringe (claimed tpow to get out of d1 execution) as well as just being kind of, wibbly wobbly fency ency
bionic was cringe (did bionic things)
lemon. lemon. i have no fucking clue what lemon did.

jail was tied for top wagon yesterday. Scummy vibes. tbch i made some posts on them yesterday but i remember less now.

lemon did some things i thought looked like lone wolf signally (jackal if you know the setup) and has provided virtually no content today.

I’ve not seen lemon before theyre new right

these people are generally in poes with few people defending any of them. its more a matter of who.

they have about a year experience on mu

theyre new here thats all i care about

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also we hanged a town yesterday. seems like important info

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Not really opposed to a bionic elim tbh

Typical d1 /jk

VOTE: Lemon

bionic’s wagon was just a cruise today; i voted them in the first few hours of the day and support has gained and wavered and gained but it never went away

fresh on fol im willing to give some awkward posts benefit of the doubt here. I have no such reservations about bionic. Send it
VOTE: Bionic

VOTE: bionic
