Jackal Returns - Day 8 (5/20) - TOWN WINS

it’s been 3 hours and i could catch up with minimal effort

ima love this game

hello cat bean

i know you’re a jackal

is this racial profiling

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hello bionic

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i know you’re a coven


jackal signalling

I’m the whole coven not just a member

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aight imma head to bed rn and hopefully will not have to handle millions of posts when i wake up since ill be awake 8 hours from now on :joy_cat:

isn’t coven by definition like a collection of people

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bionic illegal hydra confirmed


A little bit. I make funny joke posts all the time so I’d be a hypocrite if I didn’t at least mention that but I definitely don’t think it gets us anywhere. If that post wasn’t made nothing would have changed.

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goodnight o/

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The existence of the 3P team makes any read I could care to make that much more obnoxious but who gives a shit it’s a bridge we cross if we come to it

half a cookie to anyone that can explain to me why I don’t like this post

This is an interesting response tbh

usually i would think jarek would respond a bit less passively here

anyway am going to work ill cya

bleh post
considering 3ps this early is scum indicative

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and specifically in this setup by hunting coven, we can kill the hardest to find 3p anyway
impractical regardless