Jackal Returns - Signups (20/20)

Welcome to Jackal Returns!

Hosted by @ElizaThePsycho and @Amelia

Special Thanks to @IcetFeelsPain


  • Global Site Rules
  • Do not post in languages other than English, edit/delete posts, like posts while dead/during night, utilize shared/hydra accounts, utilize multiple accounts, use polling/wiki features, attempt to mimic host messages, post fake quotes of other players, or spam/slank excessively.
  • Do not cheat. Announcing intention to cheat, yet not acting upon it, will still confer punishment.
    • Do not gamethrow or sabotage games. You are permitted to play terribly, but doing so with the intention to troll will confer punishment.
    • Do not discuss host decisions or replacements in the game thread, especially to gain an in-game advantage.
    • Do not employ out of game information in order to get an in-game advantage. This rule will be enforced loosely with the exception of alignment indicative information, which should instead be made known to the host and will be handled appropriately.
      Try not to enable other players to do this either. You can help by not talking about the game outside the game thread.
    • Do not attempt to weaponize the host.
    • Do not announce intent to replace out, or make posts that could easily be interpreted in that manner.
    • Do not strategically replace out.
    • Do not attempt to abuse loopholes in the rules in order to accomplish any of the above. If you are not sure if something is legal or not, communicate such to the host in your PM.


  • This is a semi-open setup. There are three factions: the Town, the Coven, and the Jackals.
    • The win condition for the Town is Defeat the Coven and the Jackals by killing all of their members.
    • The win condition for the Coven is Reach parity with the Town and defeat the Jackals by killing all of their members.
    • The win condition for the Jackals is Reach parity with the non-Jackals.
  • Days are 48 hours, nights are 24. There is a Day 1 execution.
  • Voting is majority and plurality. If voting is tied, it is randomized among the tied players.
  • The Coven will communicate through a special discord server. The Jackals have no special form of communication between them.
  • There is no factional kill, but see the Necronomicon Mechanics.
  • If it is guaranteed that a certain faction will win the game, the game will end. This includes actions by players who have voted to nightskip, if all of them being locked would end the game.
    • If the game would be decided based on timing (not only usage) of certain Day actions (including voting) then the game ends in a victory for the Coven or the Jackals, whichever has more members (Jackals in a tie).
  • “No Execution” is always a valid vote, and always wins ties.
  • Vote manipulative abilities cannot trigger majority.
  • Individual roles are randomized. What roles are in play, however, are decided by the hosts. I will usually try my best to defy the player’s expectations.
  • There are no last wills.

Role List

20 players

Town Power x2
Common Town x13
Coven Head
Random Coven




Necronomicon Mechanics

  • Each day, the Coven collectively votes on which Coven member recieves the Necromicon.
  • The Necronomicon unlocks specific Necronomicon abilities on each role. Most of these necronomicon abilities kill.
  • You may not target fellow Coven members with Necronomicon abilities or other killing actions, even if the Coven member you are targetting is a recruit.
  • If there is no chosen member, it goes to the Coven Head, then to a random Coven member if the Coven Head is not alive.
  • If the only alive coven is 1 Coven member and the Coven Recruit alive, the Coven member recieves the Necronomcion until they die.

Jackal Mechanics

  • The Jackal results in the Coven having a secret traitor among them, the Coven Recruit. Please understand the mechanics before you sign up!
  • The Coven Recruit counts as Coven for most purposes except things that specifically refer to the Coven Recruit, and their win condition.
  • No Coven member, recruited or not, may explicitly out their teammates. You may still bus, but you may not explicitly claim your teammate or attempt to obviously bypass this rule.
  • All Coven members will receive feedback in their original role PM. Coven members may say their role and actions in coven chat, but may lie. If you are Coven, please submit your real actions in your role PM, even if you are not recruited.
  • Team Execution: Once per game, if 3 or more Coven are alive, they may vote to execute one of their own members.
  • All other members must agree to the execution. The kill always succeeds, regardless of any protections or anything, and is not carried by any specific member.
  • If the Coven Recruit is killed this way, an agreed upon Coven member gains their role in addition to their original role, which they may use alongside their original role. That member also gains a 1-shot multitaskable attack to use on a future night.
    • They will flip with both roles.


Please sign up by typing /in alongside a brief explanation of the Jackal rolecard and the Jackal Mechanics above. You do not need to go into detail, but you do need to show and understand.

  1. beancat
  2. Hazardwaste
  3. Bystander
  4. Canping
  5. IcetFeelsPain
  6. Jarek
  7. Frost
  8. Marluna
  9. jail
  10. Bionic
  11. Phraze
  12. lemon
  13. Apo
  14. Magnus
  15. lol
  16. Daeron
  17. Kelzier
  18. Sayno
  19. pandora
  20. TheBlueElixir



  1. May
  2. benguined
  3. zug
  4. Leafia
  5. Hippo
  6. Prisma
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hiiii please read the OP

Holy shit jackal returns

what is this :skull:

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an amazing setup



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It’s based trust me

My fault I wrote the OP

eliza cant spell

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being mafia is stressful enough

now I could be mafia in the mafia


Exactly it’s so based

Tired of wolfing spec chat? Wolf mafia chat instead!


Mafia chat opener was wolfy. Eliza’s the jackal.


wolf both! Get turned to stone and pretend to be town!

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wait that doesnt work anymore fuck

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I need to deeply consider how much my mental health would be affected if I rolled jackal


Im joining to be the coven recruit

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are “Common Town” roles all the non-power town roles

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