Jackal Returns - Signups (20/20)

well. jackal is not a role its a faction but

close enoguh

also yes i did not read the setup i just went ā€œfuck it we ballā€ and inā€™d

i mean itā€™s one person so like

actually its 3

the Coven Recruit is one person

but thereā€™s a Town Recruit and a normalass Jackal too

you got the troublesome wolfchat mechanics down so good enough



the jackal ur talkin about is just the coven recruit

iā€™ll read more on the setup when its not like 5:43am and iā€™m cooking eggs



i donā€™t see 3 jackals tho only 2, one in coven as recruit and another basic one

thereā€™s a town recruit too
you should read the whole Jackal card

Also 216 posts in 3 minutes-

this helped lol

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Ohhhhh you can actually press the role card and see it like a spoiler

iā€™ve never used this site lmao

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k bye

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20 more posts and i though the game would be filled but no itā€™s just lemon.tangerine :yawning_face:

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