Jail - Mafia Victory

Hippo is being annoying right now. Not funny.

well i mean in general not right now :sob:

Anyway, heading out now, so talk to everyone more later. :sleepingleafeon:


jail is also peacing out for now.

feel free to ping me but u may not get very coherent replies past this one 4 tonight lmao


Hi beancat are you a remember of the manfia

no reply vote her
wait no DONT vote her

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i’m in jail

who did this to me

it seems bionic put me in jail



i want leafia alive

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idk if leafia is town or wolf but killing her would be a bad idea. that’s my take

hippo too but i’m much more considently leantown there

anyone else here

I am but im not

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like I should be working rn

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Given that i am no longer a man

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