Jail - Mafia Victory

am not familiar with bionic meta tbh if you’d like to fill me in
that response leafia gave to their readslist was just straight up nothing bt i cant tell if its awkward in a leafia way or in a w/w way. cuz like it starts off like shade but ends in a v read :sob: :sob:

Normally bionic just posts single lines and like 4 words in a post max

Leafia is a hundo percent wolfing but idk if theyre just antispew mode now tbh

I’m gaming hard

votes are a bit eh rn, both peeps in the 1/2wolf duo are voting and the other candidate is a small scumlean for me

Kanave (2): eaves, Hippopablompoyeetus
IcetFeelsPain (1): IcetFeelsPain
Someone (1): Leafia

Not Voting (7): jail, Kanave, childe, Bionic, Someone, beancat, pandora


i feel like this would not be a thing by now if these two were partnered but idk maybe im overthinking

im having trouble making observations bc there really isn’t that much content but we ball

@Kanave @childe @Bionic @Someone @beancat @pandora

how do you feel about these wagons

what pops into your head about the wagons and the people voting said wagons

who would you vote if you wouldn’t vote anyone being voted currently

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oh at first I thought this had multiple TRs because of your own tab >.<
feel like there’s should be more § or + but its still early ig

a chunk of the playerlist has also barely posted enough to be read

You’re wrong yet again. How anyone can’t see this is a repeat of Hazbin Hotel is beyond me. I act this way every single game and yet Hippo supposedly thinks I’m a wolf? In fact, I want everyone to compare my play this game to my play in Hazbun Hotel.

You’d think Bionic would have more explainations to his reads, but I do find the fact that he wants us to know where his head is at to be slightly villagery.

You wish.

You’re the one wolfing here. Wolfing hard. No one can have reads that strong on anyone. You’re just repeating what you tried in Hazbin Hotel at this point.

I mean I’m happy to die tbh, the votes on me look genuine

(Hot take I know)

well, i guess according to meta bionic usually doesnt usually give bigger explanations. good read tho

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do u think eaves and hippo are both town voting u?

I’ll be honest, I don’t see the connection beyond a strong initial conviction? Reading Hazbin they had these strong initial reads, and while thats true here they have a progression into them rather than just starting by spewing shit and seeing what sticks

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I wouldnt do the same thing again if it failed last time. Repeating the same failed action over again is the first sign of insanity. Do I look insane to you?

Eaves doesn’t really have enough to work on here but obv I know they’re voting a townie so thats some minor + pts

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Yes you do look insane. Also, it’s telling that you claim that I TMIed Ice town yet you’re voting for Kanane. Not a good look for Kanave but an excellent look for Ice.