Kaguya-sama: Love is War Mafia - Game Over - Town & Hitman Win


catbae (4): beancat, Leafia, lol, Zorvo
Achromatic (2): Jaiden, Phraze
beancat (2): Vulgard, Achromatic
Zorvo (1): thepigeonnyc
mollylikesorigami (1): Demisha

Not Voting (6): Marluna, Jackrito, Magnus, mollylikesorigami, Marluxion, catbae

I can understand that. But also i feel with pretty hard clears that we have a lot less people alive for a poe

Can you let me know what you think of lol/bean?

I hate being the stupid one that asks but sometimes you donā€™t really have a choice eventuallyā€¦

What does poe mean

Process of Elimination. Eliminate the good ones and whoever is left is your POE pool.

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Upon reflection is also might be ok to not shoot molly tonight since it would suck to have her be a town pr

Maybe so, but I find both of you scummy indiviually too.

Catbae is almost never a villager here. Flipping Beancat tells us nothing about what happened to the night kill last night and just leaves that debate open for another day. It needs to be resolved today because if Catbae is somehow a villager, then itā€™s unlikelybthat Zorvo is also a villager and no, a scum Beancat flip wouldnā€™t magically make Catbae and Marluna look any better necessarily. Maybe a bit, but not to the extent that you seem to be thinking.

So would lynching Catbae and we wouldnā€™t be risking the death of a PR to boot. One that scum will be super keen on killing if itā€™s a villager.

Itā€™s admittedly possible that they did and bbn that happening is the only way that I can see Catbae being a villager here.

Molly wouldnā€™t be as good an execution as Catbae, but is at least an acceptable execution.

Quoting this for emphasis so people can laugh at you and realize you should not be leadin on future days.

Is pointless cruelty of someone simply trying their best a town tell too?

No need for this.

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Anyone who thinks I should be a leader either needs their head examined or is scum. One of the two.

as conf town youā€™re going to be placed in that role whether you like it or not, Donā€™t let your overconfident egotism drive you because itā€™s a sure path to a town loss.

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For what itā€™s worth, truthfully, if it wasnā€™t for the fact that itā€™s very likely that either you or Zorvo is scum, Iā€™d probably be against your execution for today as your reaction to the push on you has been rather villagery.

Honestly, Iā€™m not sure Catbae is wolf. But Iā€™m also not familiar with Catbae to defend definitively. Mechanically not a problem though, even if we have a claimed 3p.

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Thatā€™s fine, if you want to say youā€™re chopping me to resolve the situation mechanically Iā€™m a-ok with it. Just donā€™t treat me like Iā€™m confirmed scum, because Iā€™m not, and Iā€™m going to flip town.

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Yeah. Thatā€™s pretty much the main reason why and sorry about calling you confirmed scum.

Itā€™s okay, sorry for snapping at you. Itā€™s tough because Iā€™ve been dangling by a thread the entire phase. But I need to not do that. Youā€™re good.

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Apology accepted and thanks. I know being in your position definitely isnā€™t fun.


new re-arranged POE.

beancat doing absolutely nothing means sheā€™s probably just scum here. achromatic should still literally never endgame. I donā€™t think a bean scumflip clears him at all and in fact he looks pretty bad if sheā€™s scum with how heā€™s posted about her today. Chop people who were off the day 1 wagon rather than getting silly about it. If jackrito plays nice and kills in the POE for us you get an extra chop, you can decide that for yourselves. Donā€™t just blind floolow the order, re-evaluate with new info, butā€¦donā€™t clear any of the bottom 3.

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I agree 100% about Achro honestly. Thatā€™s regardless of what you flip as.

It was nice talking with achro but exactly nothing heā€™s said in the hours since the irl day began has made me believe heā€™s town

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Same here honestly.