Kaguya-sama: Love is War Mafia - Game Over - Town & Hitman Win

One last elevator pitch for Bean over catbae and then I am good discussing other things, let the votes fall where they may.

catbae (4): beancat, Leafia, lol, Zorvo
Achromatic (2): Jaiden, Phraze
beancat (2): Vulgard, Achromatic
Zorvo (1): thepigeonnyc
mollylikesorigami (1): Demisha

I will say to @Marluxion @Magnus @Leafia @Phraze

the current four names on catbae give me pause. There’s leafia, who is town but also isn’t the most savvy player and then there’s Zorvo who if town is again not exactly known for their high accuracy of reasoned reads.

That lol has voted almost exclusively for people that are outside of his proposed scum team today when yesterday he said he would be fine with a bean vote but then declined to push the bean vote late could be telling if it was simply a soft bus. Has lol even given thoughts about bean today after voting them at one point yesterday?

Catbae’s performance here if scum is frankly nothing short of heroic, and I tend to lean to the medium for judging people I don’t know. He COULD just be full of WIM I guess but he did have sources to back up that he would just fold here.

If I am going to ask myself ‘who is more likely to be scum purely on play’ it’s 100% bean. Even their role claim was done because they were being wagoned so a desperation claim to at least get one mislynch wouldn’t be out of order tbh.

Yeah. Maybe Molly is the best lynch. I’m getting villagery vibes from Catbae right now and Molly hasn’t been here all day. VOTE: Molly

What would make you believe me town?

You flipping town would do it.

Do you not think that given we’re currently at only 3 scum that your only way of trying to sort me is killing me might be a bit extreme? If you don’t have any clearing criteria in the back of your head, no solve process or anything I could ever do, then isn’t that just lynching me because I am me and it will never change in any game unless I am a town power who can confirm himself?

How have you been so sure we only had 4 mafia at game start? That’s something that has been puzzling me for a while now.

Also, I’ve found you really scummy too. It isn’t anything to do with you as a player. It’s how I’ve been reading your plays this game. I don’t think you should be the priority yet though.

Well I said at one point it could be 5 and then Kanave ironically said it was probably just four lol. Thanks Kanave.

But generally speaking scum are around 25-33% of a game’s comp. So it’s always 4-5 here, and the closer you get to 15 instead of 20 the more likely it is 4. 5/17 mafia would require a decent amount of power for town to be considered balanced. Also I am familiar with how Proph likes to balance generally.

What are some of my scummy plays iyo?

The way you handled Jaiden’s push on me at the beginning of D1. That’s a big part of it. Ironically, another semibig part is how sure you seem to be that Phraze and I are both masons just because I claimed it, especially after what happened in HTF. I’m honestly not sure if I would’ve thought of claiming masons with a scummate as a wolf D1, but I can honestly see me potentially doing so. As for Phraze and me helping to bury Kanave, I’m a kno weed n hardbusser as a wolf so I can see me doing that as a wolf potentially.

You don’t know me very well though, so you trusting us this much isn’t enough for me to lock you in as a wolf. Then there’s how you want to execute the roleblocker claim when it’s likely that they’re telling the truth and the one they blocked was seemingly lockwolf to you earlier and if Beancat is a villager, executing them will only benefit scum.

VOTE: mollylikesorigami

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Going to call it a night now, so good night everyone. :sleepingleafeon:

I can talk through those, just for your benefit of knowing where I stand even if you don’t change your mind.

So first with Jaiden I had to build a town profile for her in order to successfully gaslight her in the previous game and understand her as wolf. As a wolf I will have my eyes fixated on how a town behaves and to try to model behavior that my town self would do, so I understand them a lot better. For Jaiden the fact that I saw through her and thought it was towny is because it is exactly what I would have expected her to do after I torched her last game as town. I don’t know her wolf range though, so at this point it feels a little bad that the only thing she’s done for two days is tunnel me and very little else, but it’s not like she was an aggressively dynamic player in Morb either. I get why you might not like that though.

So for masons, this is just simple really: you and phraze are not strong players and pairing yourselves day 1 is suicidal as scum when you would be half the scum team. Eventually you would slip up, as you don’t have me on your team to coach you and this is a stronger player list than morb. The reason why I don’t have any paranoia about masons is it makes 0 sense to ever claim masons for the same reason I had no problem being fooled by you for a day in HTF: town won. My personal reads don’t matter much to me. I try to set up game states that are as failure proof as possible and lynching pigeon over you that day 3 caused no harm to town, it just bought you a little time.

I believed there are no worlds where scum leafia can fool this playerlist, many experienced with you, for days. Your scum game has improved but you aren’t amazing as scum and I don’t think you ever tie someone else directly to you. Even in HTF you scanned town innocent instead of fellow scum.

There is a reason I laughed so hard when you two claimed masons. It was honestly so hype lol. If you two can fool this town and win the game, then you are a far better wolf player than I give you credit for but as someone who just coached you for over a week I think I have a solid handle on your wolf range and this isn’t within it.

Also, I disagree with beancat v benefitting scum. It actually really tightens the noose because it all but confirms 2 people on the fringe/in the poe, which is deadly for scum. I know you don’t subscribe to my exact poe solving so I don’t expect you to get it fully, but I am very happy with the positives even if bean is town.

If bean isn’t what they claim, then it tells a lot, tbh.
If they are, it gives us a semi-redcheck.

I don’t know how you look at it, but I can hardly see the two cat’s interactions as W/W.

Unless the scum team contains Bean/catbae/Zorvo and they want our suspicion off from the missed Zorvo shoot with this bussing.
(and in this very unlikely scenario, Zorvo and beancat would be the two mafia PRs, which case it is still better going after beancat, than catbae.)

Holy shit it took long for a single one more player to think just like I did on both of these things

My literal only issue is if she is a pr it is oops.

I guess but like what’s the other option? Everyone wants to vote catbae and I never really got any wolf vibes from catbae so im not gonna vote that

I’m going down the Zorvo is scum path

Who do you think are the other scum? I can maybe see this.

Bean lol. Resolves day 1 wagons p good tbh.

But it isnt as if i would lose sleep over molly tbh. You are being reasonable here.

Maybe you and beancat?