Kaguya-sama: Love is War Mafia - Game Over - Town & Hitman Win

I mean

If thatā€™s true, then it feels suicidal for w!Dem to agree to this seeing as Kanave a wolf was executed D1 and there is a missing N1 kill. I donā€™t see Dem being a hit here.

I was really tired which isnt the best answer lol. Thats all i got. It was always fine but when possible creating friction will usually help town out sort later.

I think the only team that remotely made sense here was zorvo/crich/marluna

Jaiden if she decided to just bus instead of seeing it play out but she has other good things. Maybe fits kinda

Idk if I said this at any point before, but beancatā€™s claim feels like it took an opportunity to get a strong villager like catbae killed timing-wise
When it was made, we all knew that - unless there was a town roleblocker/jailkeeper who used their action last night - the wolves crosskilled with the claimed vig, Zorvo, on Marl, who got saved
The only thing that couldā€™ve thrown a wrench into this was somebody getting blocked or jailkept, and beancat claiming a block on catbae at that point can potentially get catbae killed with no real downside (it can still reasonably be V/V from an uninformed pov)
Catbae said earlier that beancat wouldā€™ve had to be coached for this to be the case, but I feel like itā€™s not a terribly advanced play to make, itā€™s just a good opportunity to get a freebie kill when youā€™re not in a great thread position
Letā€™s face it, without the claim weā€™d probably be consolidating on beancat right now

I actually thought all of this back when the claim was made but I donā€™t think I ever shared the thoughts because I wasnā€™t sure
Iā€™m still not exactly sure but I want this to be discussed

Oh yeah, the problem with Zorvo is that his townplay isā€¦ interestingā€¦ which gives him good cover to do a lot of stuff as mafia, like this

Ftr I also think the crosskill on Marl is rather unlikely but I canā€™t rule it out

not cleared if catbae is w yeah
if heā€™s v i am the only possible explanation for the wolf kill being missing other than gamethrowing holstering


a lot harder to sell with me having pushed the ā€˜mechanically optimalā€™ route all day
but it is still on the table i guess

I think if both beancat and catbae are town (in that unlikely scenario) no crosskill happened.

Then Zorvoā€™s just lying or wolves holstered?

Most likely.

zorvo isnā€™t lying i dont think
his reaction felt like someone whoā€™s kill just failed
and the reaction happening in thread rather than in a scum chat is extremely AI imo

why would wolves holster the night they lost one of their own in a vanilla-lite setup?

I donā€™t think heā€™s lying about having attacked you either, I was just asking Marluna to elaborate on their pov

vulgard did you see achro asking jack to wolfside and shoot me instead

Now you mention this. I talked about this as a possible world weā€™re in earlier today.

I am pretty sure catbae will be a hit based on marlā€™s reaction tbh. Alao that world fitting with 1 of 3 hitman targets being scum. The theory clicks for me but if it is wrong it at least clarifies things.

iā€™m right in the middle of it and i know omgus reads are a thing but
it feels like something v!achro does not ever do

With Achro Iā€™m partly in the mindset of ā€œthereā€™s one thing here that was missing from his scumgame and it seems like a very important thingā€ and the other part is ā€œa lot of the stuff heā€™s said either looks bad in hindsight or is questionableā€

just a reminder that before i logged on tonight to check thread, molly and beancat were both the top wagons
catbae had like 1 or 2 votes
i MADE this wagon happen
that isnā€™t how i bus and you KNOW that isnā€™t how i bus from HTF and T&T