Kaguya-sama: Love is War Mafia - Game Over - Town & Hitman Win

and marls entire reasoning he was aftraid seth would vote him when he said multiple times he wanted to kill jack because he thought he was mafia

to be fair zorvo should have never tried to vote himself out thats one of the stupidest moves u can do but thats also really towny from zorvo

Usually the more inexplicable and dumb moves come from town.

If the game has ended while I slumbered and town loses, then we move onto the next game and it is what it is.
At least I can say I played to win as town with a clear conscience. Time to call it a night.

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Ofc if town wins, then we celebrate post game. Which I wouldn’t mind now I mention it.

I won’t celebrate even if we win, I don’t feel I earned it.

The two things I did this game: I actes scummy so mafia won’t kill me, and claimed a power role so mafia would kill me.

If in later games you want to read me, you can always discard my D1s and most of my D2… Since I know I am bad at that part of the game, I don’t even try to forcefully change that. It would just look more unnatural for everyone who knows me.

if we win i am pogging

also istg i thought marluna was like hungarian or something why this fella awake with the australians

I was awake early because of IRL reasons…

I guess me totally missing daystart could gave away that I went sleeping early. (if you knew my timezone already)

And I hoped I didn’t survive the night, anyway.

This was a long day for me.

Would this be a bad time to claim Jester?
Sorry to drag this game out, but I’m not hammering Lol right now.

You have two votes on you right now. What makes you think you’re going to win as either alignment right now?

Lol voting No Exe is a really bad look.

Alright, here are my thoughts:
Status is the importance of an individual’s position in a group, as perceived by other members of that group.
Power is the individual’s ability to control or influence the thoughts, feelings or behaviours of other members of that group.

My current status is towncore, and my power is the ability to delay the game another day or end it with Lol’s execution.
I think CRichard is the last wolf; I believe Marluna is a villager; I expect you three to survive the night, talk it out, come to your own conclusions. Do not vote as quickly as you did today.

If Marluna is a wolf, they’re surely killing me tonight. I’m okay with that, since I’m probably killed either way. Which sucks, because I would’ve loved surviving to endgame; hence why I wanted to end the game today.

Of course, Mafia’s always welcome to spare me and just try to frame me as a deepwolf, that’s your prerogative.
…Or I could vote CRichard for the sake of novelty, let Lol be executed instead, and have bragging rights either way.

I think I’ll make my decision at 2022-08-25T04:00:00Z, if nobody comes to talk to me. I don’t want to risk heading home and being unable to vote because no internet.

Magnus it’s your choice on if you want to end the game now or kick the can down the road so to speak.

If you do that, you’re effectively ending the game today.

Every post you’ve made raises red flags. I think I’d prefer if you were just yelling at me to execute Lol because they’re the obvious last evil.

I’ve made my preference that you hammer lol pretty clear.
Unless I suck at communication, which is there.

It’s not that. It’s how cautious you’re being, playing the middle ground when you’re the number one suspect.

As for that, if it were Marluna instead of lol that would make my life easier.
Speaking of cautious, isn’t that what you are right now? It’s ok if you’re cautious, yet if it’s me or anyone else it’s bad.

If I was on the chopping block, it sure would be strange if I didn’t have any major opinions. That’s why we exed Eliza.

That’s true. My major opinion is Marluna scummiest, lol 2nd scummiest and you as my only confident town.
Eliza was always going to be PoE. I still don’t get why we kicked the can down the road on eliza, by lunching Zorvo 1st.

Zorvo demanded to be executed.