King of the Castle 2: Litten is King: Game Thread (GAME CANNED)

(Jaspin will follow)

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“….do you think we will just release an opinion and slander them ourselves? The church is doing it for us, for free”

Clarify it. Write it on paper

I desparately need a “do nothing” option. Again, always worked out well for us.

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“This problem goes beyond just Smote Lemongrave’s wretched attempt at undermining the Ninth. There may be a fleet of heretics approaching, likeminded to Lemongrave. We must stop the problem dead in its tracks by seizing their means of producing this blasphemy.”

VOTE: Choice B

“I do agree with my learned friend. Burning him at the stake is blasphemous and slandering him makes us just as bad, so it seems reasonable that the only viable options so as to have justice, integrity and also to properly respect the Ninth would be to either banish those presses or for the church to address the concerns for they understand our truth and our plight”

Kael looks around to see if there’s any of the parchment available to see, to have a look over himself

“Hm, truly interesting… Corruption within the Church? No, that doesn’t sound right. Yet I know these things have been alleged. It is not the Church which is at fault, though of course they should be kept an eye on. It is just this… guy and those damned presses. I should’ve stopped this before.”

VOTE: Option B

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VOTE: Option B (whoops)

Option D (3): Zone_Q11, snowe, Hazardwaste
Option C (3): Atlas, Someone, Marshal
Option B (3): Amelia, Kiiruma, Daeron
Option A (1): ImaginaryNeon

Not Voting (11): guavagudetama, Ruby, Squirrel2412, childe, Ranta, Italy, PrincessPeach, N.1, pandora, Kork, Litten

Am I too late? Let rhe church deal with it! The printing press itself is not to blame. VOTE: Option D

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vote closes in like 7h

(being in more than one rp at once is tiring lol)
(especially with my personal rp standards)




(…yeah its been like 40 years)


my personal 1984 is about to come to a close




(kinda walked into that one tbh)

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turtle head remastered spoilers

(like mason walked into turtle heads knife)
(i saw what you said and you’re wrong)

more spoilers

nah I think it’s reasonable to get ambushed when undercover

if mason could clear each room with his gun out then getting ambushed would be a lot more incompetent, but he can’t do that without blowing his cover

more more spoilers

but he snuck into a school, at night, where three people died (which he’d think more then “two dead one missing”), and he didn’t stay slightly aware that there could be something bad there

he only came (i think) to the school with emma and harriet because he knew something bad could be there and he wasn’t even slightly aware of… sticking together, being aware of closed sparces, etc