King of the Castle 2: Litten is King: Game Thread (GAME CANNED)

No… borders changed not too long ago… the count king gave count’s extra wiggle room… so i was born and raised over the border.

(Dont make a nightmare on elm street joke… dont make a nightmare on elm street joke)


“Oh, I see. I thought you had some crazy backstory where you ran away from home to join the Counts or something.”

Augustin drops to one knee in front of Kael, bowing deeply and sombrely.

“I apologise if the county made any offence against my liege’s name. As he is young, I am sure the Ninth would not be so cruel as to support his undue pain.”

No no… my dad after failing the barons last time didnt have enough money to move out of our house… so i just… stayed

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She smirks. She took it as a compliment?

“First impressions are very important. They are often also the last… my rapier would know!”

Her smile transforms into laughter, and back to a smile. Sort of a sinister thing to laugh about.

Oooooooooooooooooooookkkkkk… how bout we keep weapons down for general chit chats huh

“Oh, I’m sorry. I grew up poor too, so I get it.” He gives Jaspin an empathetic smile.

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I’ll try not to fail again… my father needs a victory…


“Think both those anwsers are good with their explinations that is. Would very much take some foreign dignitaries if they know their stuff with a weapon and on the battlefield. Sadly something like that seems unlikely with this group of people.”

Seeing the gesture to the weapon she smiled another person read it’s good not to many people are just book nerds.

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Moving his chair out slightly, Kael also drops to one knee in a reverant bow

“You are too kind, caring about the Ninth so honorably. I appreciate your apology but it is not necessary, for I am sure the Ninth shall be pleased with whatever we decide to do as long as we continue to appreciate everything that has been granted to us by them.”

He reaches out one of his hands towards Augustin, with a gentle smile

“Let us enjoy our time here in the presence of everyone else, I am sure that is what the Ninth would wish too. I quite like you based on what I have seen here.”



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Augustin looks at Kael’s hand, and then his smile with disbelief. After a few moments, he takes the hand gingerly, then looks up at Kael, confused and wide-eyed.

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(My guy is going to act like the dog ninja slicing through you if you ever enter combat with him smh)

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Sigh… this is gonna be rough isnt it…

“Is something wrong?”

I feel out of place. thats really it.

“Well~… In that case, we’re in the same boat! So if we’re both out of place, then we’re not out of place!” He flashes that big grin at you again.

Kael blinks a tiny bit but just slowly shakes his head, to hope to ease the others’ nerves

“May the Ninth bless our encounter here. You have honour and elegance, this is just a sign of loyalty and friendship in turn for what you have provided here. I believe that this is the only proper way to act when you have demonstrated such wonderful etiquette yourself. Let us both raise up and enjoy whatever lies ahead of us…”

The tall gentleman slowly starts to raise up out of his deep kneel into a slight crouching position, so as to be able to keep a gentle contact with Augustin’s hand

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