King of the Castle 2: Litten is King: Game Thread (GAME CANNED)

Look one of you is named after a peach… She is quiet lovely… i am just trying to wrap my head around the grandees… ways

I bet your fun on sundays

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Everyone talks so fancily here… i didnt know that was part of the nobles contract… i would have become a curator and not follow my father if i knew everyone was so… posh here.

“The Ninth God works in mysterious ways, one must simply listen closely to hear their words. My fellow Grandee is a decent bit more of a socialite there than me it seems.” Kael’s hands quiver slightly but he steadies himself “I appreciate your kindness in wishing to learn our ways at least.”

“Little that can be done? We have all the power in that decision, what do you mean “little?””

“Welcome Kael the ceremony would be fine… but take more time and while I’d love to get to know you all we most definitely have the time for such through this not just at the start of the day today.”

She takes out a water skin and takes a large sip from it before putting it away.

“Now out of mere interest, which of the options would be your personal second pick aside from the ceremony? Would it indeed be the water or something a little more official.”

of course we do. but i dont wish to go against the king for his own coronation.

“I don’t mean to sound rude, but… If he was meant to be making the decision, why does he have no agency in it?”


“…posh.” She’s comprehending something. The worlds horrors twist through her mind. World’s collapse, people collapse. Does that mean pain inflicting? Demon? Vile? Abominations?

She places her hands on her lap. Best to seem innocuous. “What does that mean, Lord… I wasn’t here when everyone’s name was announced.”

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A woman cladded bronze and silver-reinforced armour steps from out of the shadows. How did you not notice her? She dresses in such prideful armour, yet remains sly.
“Greetings fellow nobles. My name is Umbriferous “the Ninth’s Blade” Uiora, honourable Grandee and expert duelist. A pleasure.”
She extends a hand to you. A candid courtesy or perfunctory protocol?

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(oh mother)

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Like that! Lord, liege… i get its respectful but… i dont know none of those titles really fit me

And Jaspin, Last name i choose to keep anonymous.

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You Grandee’s really like to make an entrance…



A bright smile infects her face. She’s fancy and fitting in! “Thanks!”

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Kael turns his head to face Hope. “An excellent question, I am more than happy to answer. I believe that inviting and meeting many foreign dignitaries might be a good idea as who knows what we could learn from them? More fighting techniques? Any holy artefacts…”

Eyes scanning around the room, Kael moves his hand to his side, touching a sword sheath yet not making any sort of harsh movements. “Though I suppose that I am certainly pleased with upholding tradition too, since it seems that is what other Nobles present are wishing for at this point”

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“Well, we agree on one thing. I feel very out of place being called a “Lord.””

Not saying its a bad thing of course… sorry whats your name didnt quiet catch it

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Exactly! It was never really a baron thing i guess… my dad was refered to as Baron… last name… but nothing really more

Ash looks at him, intrigued.
“Your dad was a Baron? You’re not a Baron though, are you?”

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Her smile resides a bit. This is a serious thing. “Ophelia Krueger!” …that’s a bit too much enthusiasm.

“At your service. Ms. Krueger is fine. Or just my name. I’m not married!”

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