King of the Castle 2: Litten is King: Game Thread (GAME CANNED)

(the harm is potentially physical LOL)

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Ophelia turns, and smiles at the… Messenger… Right. “We’re trying to figure out a way to embarrass the monarch! We’re throwing him into the river!”


(of course, augustin can say more about it if you ask him in character)


Ash quickly butts in. “Hey- That is not the goal!”
He turns to the messengers. “We’re deciding on how to celebrate the coronation of the new King.”


A pigeon lands on the third messenger’s head. He unrolls a tiny scroll tied to its leg.

…why would that be embarassing? I jump in the river all the time


Raising up fully, Kael moves his other hand to dust himself off

“I apologise if that was quite formal of me there, I do enjoy having a good time too. Whenever I am around new company I go back to my roots haha.”

Kael shakes Augustin’s hand with some strength behind it before gently loosening his grip on the Baron’s hand

“Bonding is quite important, especially with those who are respectful of the Ninth or of combat. After all, combat too should be done with honour towards the Ninth.”

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(Hope only has a smaller sword by her side nothing major however activly doesn’t flash is around.)

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She tilts her head. “I don’t get it. We’re grabbing somebody and throwing them into a damp, watery place, to celebrate them?”

She raises her finger. “But dontcha do that to clean yourself? It’s not like you can do anything else.”

Ash seems a little shocked at this response – he thought Ophelia was messing with Wilhelm – but recomposes himself.
“That’s what I’m wondering! I don’t get it either, so I’m not voting for it.”

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A scroll lands on the messenger’s head. He unrolls it.


nothing embarassing about being clean


“Right!” She proclaims, a little too loudly. I don’t think she talks to people much, if she’s this excited.

“But since the king is already clean, all we’re doing is annoying him!”


She moves her finger back to her lips “Are you… sure… we’re not trying to mess with… that guy? You arrived right after I did and that’s what I thought.”

The messenger jumps to the side, deftly snagging another falling scroll.

the king seemed pretty happy about the idea

besides, any doubts about the king’s cleanliness will quickly be silenced

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“Won’t he drown if we don’t… throw something dirty in for him, anyway?”

She looks over to the comically queen-sized hole in the window. “The river looks to be running kinda hard.”

She smiles “And people aren’t like fish! We can’t swim!”

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“I’m not trying to mess with anyone.”

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Augustin nods deeply, then meets Kael’s gaze again for a few silent moments before retracting his hand.

“Your Lordship has my thanks, my liege.”

He hesitates before bowing to Kael. After another few moments of silence, he turns around sharply and moves to leave.


The messenger is stunned silent, right until a third scroll lands on his head.

yknow what i just remembered i’m late for my cows’ dance performance
good talk

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The messenger looks up at the ceiling expectantly, but the deluge of falling parchment appears to have ended.

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