King of the Castle 2: Litten is King: Game Thread (GAME CANNED)

Augustin scans the room, his gaze lingering on a particular person leaning against the wall, before he slips out of the room.

(going to sleep now probably due to it being 1am and all that jazz, thats the last of my rp actions for tonight)

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“…Have fun!”

“That was… weird. Who’s ever late to a performance.”


peach chuckles lightly

I know how you feel Kael. I thought I was young, but our peers are making me feel older than I can imagine~!
I respect your devotion to the Ninth God deeply, and I’m glad you were chosen as a representation of Grandee as well. May we lead both Grandee, and the kingdom to prosperity.

I have skipped 200+ posts worth of content.
What did I miss?


(Everyone loses if the king dies)

Do I kook like I care?

Theirs no necessity to like backread this game right


(augustin is back in the room if anyone wants to grab him but he’s not going to be doing anything actively for a bit because im out of ideas of things for him to initiate)

Chief Pandora of the Rabbit Tribe slams the haft of her cerimonial greataxe- dulled, of course, and impractical for actual battle regardless- on the ground.
“The Grandees of the South have always looked down on us in the North. You say that we’re uncultured, that we don’t know the light of your Ninth God. The Bloody Barons of the Marches are too quick to throw the spirits of the natural world away in favor of industry. The Patricians of the Coast are out of touch with their people, having eyes only for coin, and the Counts of the East are just creepy.”
Her eyes blaze with- not just rage. A challenge to those in the room. An insult like this would not stand in the North- would these fops answer it like northmen? “Let us throw the king in the river and be done with it. It’s an insult to the spirits to break tradition. If this kingdom is to last more than a year, we must follow it.”


Augustin tilts his chin up and sneers at Pandora. With a click of his tongue, he waves his cape and spins away with a flourish.

i mean
i guess you don’t have to backread
but i think it’ll aid your RP efforts

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Peach eyes Pandora wearily.

From first disrespecting the ninth god loudly, to this, it appears you have a rather… combative approach. As a duelist, it is rather impressive, and I actually am quite envious, but as a royal councillor, it worries me. We are here to work together and vote together. If you are to denounce the rest of our regions so loud and proud like that, it may make it hard to negotiate with us in the future.

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(i am doing very little PoV/monologue narration because Augustin doesnt want you to know what he’s thinking [and also i just like that more. augustin is not any story’s protagonist.])

(Uhh not in this instance but later it will be)
(We haven’t said much of importance LOL we’re just kinda finding our footing with the roleplay aspect)


(The only important thing is people’s names which I think Snowe has a list of?)


King Litten McFlurry (22)

Squirrel — Wilhelm Marzipan II / III / IV
Zone — Zone?
Guava — Ash Vespertine (18)
Ruby — Hope Wintersoul (22)
Snowe — Augustin de Segovia (19)

Hazard — Jaspin ??? (19)
Marshal — Countess Marissa

Kiiruma — Kael Silvermoor
Amelia — Angel Luz (30s)
Daeron — Umbriferous Uiora
Peach — Peach Toadstool (25)

Pandora — Pandora Rabbit

Atlas — Ophelia Krüger (17+?)


Ash nods, turning to Pandora.
“Yeah, what Peach said, but also… Let’s not make generalisations about other people based on where they’re from, yeah? Your idea of the Counts is just a baseless insult, and your opinion of my own region isn’t really accurate to me, either.”

May I see you all in valhalla
(I’ll make a character tomorrow night)