King of the Castle 2: Litten is King: Game Thread (GAME CANNED)

“I do not understand how this… invention changes anything. Are not most of our commoners illiterate?”

Nuh uh

“Well, yeah, but the spread of the written word would make it easier for people to learn how to read.”

Option A (2): guavagudetama, ImaginaryNeon
Option C (1): Zone_Q11
Option D (1): childe

Not Voting (18): Ruby, Squirrel2412, snowe, Hazardwaste, Marshal, Ranta, Kiiruma, Amelia, Italy, Daeron, PrincessPeach, N.1, pandora, Someone, Kanave, Kork, Atlas, Litten

Try switching off and back

I made them literate and did so whilst holding them at crossbowpoint.

Augustin puts a finger on his cheek and looks off in thought.

“Should more people learn, your lordship, would we not have more people in service of the church?”

(i know basic economic principles but i am trying to rp augustin being totally clueless)

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(zone was voting ‘c’ right)

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Oh oops


(I genuinely do not remember the actual outcome to this event but it did happen in nerdcord kotc)

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Yeah probably

(All i remember is the fabled “Printing Press Heretics” and I think that was from another event)


I am well aquatinted with that event

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It’s not what you think

VOTE: Option C

A bespectacled, middle-aged man wearing a similar outfit to Augustin (though with dark, muted colors and a cap) whispers to a messenger against the wall. The messenger walks up to Augustin and taps him on the shoulder.

Augustin stands and bows with a flourish.
“I shall return shortly, my lieges.”
He struts out of the room, the other two men in tow.

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Ash looks at Augustin confused, unsure if it’s a rhetorical question or not.

“Uh… Yeah, I guess. More people reading means more people reading about religion.”

He says it like it’s obvious.

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Augustin re-enters the room, the bespectacled man following him before taking his old place on the wall.

Augustin clears his throat then speaks, his voice level.
“My economic advisor has given me teachings on the matter, and I have come my conclusions, should my lieges wish to hear them.” He pauses a moment before continuing. “These printing presses will be used primarily by middle class text merchants, and will increase the efficiency of their businesses, allowing them to turn more of a profit. As a kingdom, we should take a share of this gold to give to the people we serve through these licenses.”

He tilts his head up sharply. “However, the Church will use these presses to spread the good teachings of the Ninth. I would not see such a worthy cause taxed.”

VOTE: Option C

Litten enters the room with his new honor guard in tow and takes a minute to whisper to Ophelia before moving onto his seat.

“I can see the arguments as for why we should allow everyone to use the printing press. However, I do not think this invention will impact day to day life for the majority of people - most people cannot afford the luxury to read. There is a lot of merit to carefully control the printing press to benefit our kingdom economically and for that reason, I think it’s wise to license the printing press to those who can afford it.”