King of the Castle 2: Litten is King: Game Thread (GAME CANNED)


But i do think we should finally name our river. If the king takes a deep we shall name it after his greatness


VOTE: Option E: Tekken

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VOTE: Option E: River

just because you’re a cat doesn’t mean you get to be exempt from your royal swim

Speaking of great king. Could you explain your wishes for this kingdom you have made

While normally, as a member of the ever faithful Grandees, I would advocate for reverence of the Ninth…

I do believe it would simply be a disservice at this time.

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Queens don’t just vanish like that, especially not when those Counts are involved.

I say we throw him into the river

What does that supposed to mean…

Are you not aware of the former queen Eliza?

I wish to conquer other lands and make them our vassal states and allowing our great council to choose what to do with the lands we conquer. As such, I think we should expand our military to protect our foreign interests as well as to solve some of our domestic issues.

Of course i am, why was our named dropped specifically

Truth be told, she was never what I would call a competent Queen

But it wasn’t that long ago that she disappeared!

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Eliza declared me heir to the throne and abdicated. It was all done quite legally.

(Counts won the first time and litten is the count claimant)

(I mean i was a baron so i dont know how to react to this)

Well you see!

There are rumors circulating around that she was abducted and indoctrinated into a vampire cult!

This sounds like lunacy actually she probably just couldn’t handle the pressure and ran off…

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Ahh the stereotype that we are all vampiric ass holes.
Cause we find safety in the dark and dip our toes in magic doesnt make us blood suckers….

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And as people of religion and the light. I would hope you dont believe in such superstition

I had forgotten you were only recently found to be in Count territory.

These border redrawings have been confusing… all of my maps are out of date and we don’t control the navigators anymore!