King of the Castle 2: Litten is King: Game Thread (GAME CANNED)

Litten is hardly a count at this point. Our professional opinion was that his time with the counts was simply a stepping-stone for greater power.

As admirable as it is to be power-hungry to a fault. I wouldn’t expect his loyalties to lay very close to us.

I just hope he remembers… he is nothing without me.

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Bloody patricians ate the market

I used to be able to get a map for less than half the price!


My father was a baron that is correct. He moved in when our borders changed


You still can by killing a man and stealing his map, dumbass.

I heard good things about count Litten in my youth. Which is why i believe he will do what is right.

I think we should throw him into a volcano instead of a river because that’d be funnier.

Hm… This is reasonable.

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It would be a disservice to my name, my honor, my house, to go for a backhanded attempt rather than a public challenge, and unfortunately they’ve told me not to pull my rapier on people today

I also believe its against your faith Miss children of the light

I do believe this has to do with the deaths that curiously surround former Grandee Silviu

Your faith entraps you

Are all Cheifs this savage?

Idfk I just like murder

And they decided for you to be a nobleman for your land?..…

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I’d heard that the Chiefs were faithless, but this is absurd


That we agree in…

Nah let’s be like Activision and just buy everything

It’s much easier to buy them if we show them what would happen to them if we don’t buy them.

I’m accepting of this but I believe actual force should come secondary and not the primary plan