King of the Castle 2: Litten is King: Game Thread (GAME CANNED)

Our farmers will be out of business. Our people will starve. Thousands will have shovels and rakes and no soil to coat them with. And many will rue the day that those shovels are coated no longer with soil but with blood.

“Didn’t we…” Her head tilts way too far to the side. That looks uncomfortable. “…Throw you into a river and proclaimed it as a celebration?”

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None of this is my problem. Your foul magics will surely keep your people safe, if you turn it towards that purpose.

“I’m afraid we can’t get a wizard on our side that easily”

It will become your problem.

Fine then. You are persuasive.
VOTE: option B

“Wizards can cost 1000-2000 gold. It is much cheaper, in my opinion, to hire the best adventurers from an guild@ElizaThePsycho

what are a bunch of flower collecting rat hunters going to do about an all consuming fog

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“For the record, we have already sent men and they have perished. What are more men going to do”

They are the best adventurers for a reason

King Litten has proposed the following option, because he has high enough Authority:

E: Send the best adventurers from the Guild. (70% chance of working, based on Trade)

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will send it in soon

VOTE: blood sacrifice

Here you go
70% to work

If they do not possess pointy hats with stars and moon, then they too will become victims of the fog. I do not want more blood staining my country side… not yet

The messenger looks uneasy. “Hey, not my place to say anything, but my uncle’s brother’s friend’s daughter’s cousin’s friend said that a wizard caused the fog… should we really trust them?”

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Collective Faith or Regional Faith?

“Wizards are out of our budget. I believe the best people to hire are the way more reasonable prices of the adventurer guilds , who are famous for having a 90% success rate (source needed).”

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VOTE: Option F - Blood Sacrifice