King of the Castle 2: Litten is King: Game Thread (GAME CANNED)

The messenger pauses. “Does the wizard need any blood sacrifices to dispel the mist?”

And quite frankly I already told a count to fix this and they didn’t so I don’t see any reason why we should be helping them by purchasing a wizard

Ophelia looks confused. Granted, I would be too if ‘Leave alone the thing that could consume a nation’ was a suggested option, but maybe that’s just her. “Is this… really something we need to vote on?”

VOTE: Option B

Oh yeah wizards are like definitely 1k a pop maybe even more

If you do not want a wizard, then veto the wizardly option. But be very warned, litten, that perhaps the surest solution is the one that costs money. And a failure to dispel the fog will result in very dire circumstances indeed.

frankly i can’t see the harm in just sending atlas to fix it again


I’m being told by my spymaster that the wizard option is “very very very expensive”.

Think litten, what happens when the stability of the kingdom is threateaned by famine? What happens when the east’s people lose the one source of pride they have? What will the people call for then?

(yeah. cause that went sooo well last time)


The ninth didn’t fail us last time, why should it fail us now? We should send their best inquisition which is famous for being 90% of their army.

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I told the counts in private to deal with this a season ago and they didn’t, so they are reaping what they are sow. Our inquisitors are quite famous though.

yeah the Counts military force probably shouldn’t be Inquisitors lore-wise but it is funny to call them Dark Inquisitors so im ok with it

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Do NOT use a farming metaphor in my presence, you turncoat!

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Very likely option B will bankrupt us, which seems quite problematic for a lot of regions.

VOTE: option D
You have vast tracks of land! It’s okay to abandon some of it.


If you dislike the wizarding option, then use your veto. We the people cannot be manipulated by this silver-tongued cat. If he so wishes to deny the wizard, force him to use his kingly power to do such a thing.

I have no reason to use my veto, actually. It seems quite evident that this option will bankrupt us. I trust the council to be smarter than to wasting the entire treasurey.

“…Your majesty?”


“In fact…I have some suggestions of my own, that are less expensive and may actually solve the problem.”

gonna stop you there