Kittens Game: Combinatorics Mafia - GAME OVER, TOWN WIN

Tutuu has more good vibes than the others that have currently been present.
So GTH I’d go for Tutuu atm as the 3rd participant.

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Why these three of all people?

So true.

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Wait, how do you do that?

There is probably a way to calculate this outright without doing a Monte Carlo simulation.

nya nya nya

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Oh, you have a server running? That’s neat.

I have a Digital Ocean thing that I’ve been running for no good reason. Really need to figure out how to cancel it one of these days.

I would argue that the marginal utility between 1/2 and 1/3 is not worth the potential data we could get from any other result.

not rn, though I’m hoping that I just can tell my PC to not sleep and leave the script running :joy_cat:

I do intend to get a server at some point; it’d be useful for multiple projects now

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There’s probably a good reason for this, but why the shift?

there may be! However I haven’t found one. Also it’s nice to have it output instructions as well

I will see if I can outright probability-calc this when I don’t have an essay due far too soon.

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But it is much slower to check 2 person per day, than checking 3 person per day.

I think if we start with only checking 2 person, mafia will get an advantage of us, purely via math.

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VOTE: Kiirume VOTE: tuutuu VOTE: Zugzwang

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Oops. It’s very sensitive for misspelling.
VOTE: kiiruma VOTE: tutuu VOTE: Zugzwang

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im saying for D1 and D2 it makes sense

and then we bump to 3, and we could go slower/faster depending on speed of evils

Also Masons don’t have the luxury of concentrating the jailing nly on 9 people (otherwhise they will be find easily) but mafia can do that, so we have to use every possibility to gain edge on them, even if it risks a 1/3.

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Oh you are right, i didnt really think about that