Kittens Game: Combinatorics Mafia - GAME OVER, TOWN WIN




Day 1 begins and will end 2024-03-02T21:00:00Z.


Greetings, everybody. My name is tutuu, and I am most definitely town.



when did you write this :flushed:

Alright, so 1/2 of us have information on others within this game, the other half of players don’t.
As a result I’m taking charge in order to make some suggestions at least mechanically for now.

Ideally we’ll sink 2 mafia at once as that prevents mafia from ever claiming Masons - As the only way they can claim masons is by all claiming to be masons together. Town as a result should be tentative when it comes to mis-confirming anybody.

VOTE: Someone
VOTE: Bionic
VOTE: SirDerpsAlot

These slots I feel like are often wildcards in games in comparison to some others, so being able to learn about their alignments might be ideal. I have further plans but these will be revealed dependent on what results we learn throughout the game.

Also I’m going to say this as it’s going to call mafia out. Ideally for them they’re going to want us to be learning 1s as that is the least possible information for us to have. As a result we should take people’s directions with scrutiny, especially as we come towards the end of every day within this game moreso than in normal FM / BotF games.

If anybody has any other thoughts mechanically, feel free to pose them. However, I believe this is the optimal amount of discussion for the beginning of D1 until we learn further information via our Jail targets. Too much discussion and it lets mafia know our entire plans while some should be discussed moreso in private amongst our confirmation chains.

Yes I wrote this in advance, after seeing my card and alignment. You can meta that however you wish to. I just figured that giving this insight would be helpful for now :blue_heart:

Big nerd alert!!!

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VOTE: Kiiruma

Here is a list of all my past games on FoL. I’ve taken the liberty to pre-emptively inptut this one. As you can see, I am incapable of randing Mafia. So let’s cut to the chase - there is no reason to go through the effort to “read” me. Regardless of whether or not you accurately townread me, I am town, and I always will be town. That much is clear. My proposition is this - cheat; don’t obey the rules, simply take it for granted that I will be town, and use the spared effort to help in other areas. I will be clearly similar / identical to all my prior town games, and there’s plenty of them to cross-reference with my future posts in this game.


Right now

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anyway :flushed:
I must confess, I have lied pregame! In case I rolled wolf, I didn’t want everyone to expect me to, you know, have setup strategies. I in fact have a program to tell me the optimal* guesses to make… unfortunately it is still too slow to run on the full game for town, though it is good enough to work from mafia’s perspective. It is also fast enough to run on the game if we get 0/3 or 2/3 mafia d1.

*optimal meaning it minimizes the worst case number of guesses required

we should all vote people making walls of text


Not really. I’m sure you realise it but mechanical strategy plus some social reading will be the key to winning this game. As a result I’m providing the mafia’s ideal strategy and our ideal strategy at least as of D1.

anyway now for my preplanned post

I wrote the following post (and this header) pre-rand, with the intention of only posting it as town. This is to avoid any potential slips.

Obviously, everyone knows masons should not claim. This still applies if you’re VT - do not claim VT, and do not FPS and claim mason. The former lets wolves POE the masons, should they believe you. And the latter makes it quite awkward for the masons to hide the fact they know you’re lying.

More importantly - if someone does claim mason, do not spew yourself VT.
Be suspicious of all mason claims, or perhaps do not believe them at all. There are very few times when a mason should actually claim (and those times will likely be fairly clear, when they do come up (ie, guaranteed mechanical victory)). On the other hand, it is reasonable for a mafia to fakeclaim mason, to try to get spew, or avoid being checked. It is much, much easier for masons to hide their TMI if they don’t have to lie - if no one believe the claims, the masons can say what they know to be true, and blend right in.

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I think that protecting the identity of the masons comes at top priority. More so than finding wolves. If there is a choice between identifying a wolf and protecting a mason I believe the latter is better and I would urge everyone to play defensively.


Agreed it is why I didn’t particularly talk about masons, I talked to town as a whole.