Kittens Game: Combinatorics Mafia - GAME OVER, TOWN WIN

oh also btw I have strategies for both alignments that can win the game in X amount of guesses or less
I will not reveal those though, at least for now, because then mafia can use them

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I did the same as well.
Itā€™s why Iā€™m only revealing basic things and taking a tiny bit of charge.

Glad to see weā€™re thinking with the same mindset.


nah prople who post walls should be scrutinized

Thenā€¦ scrutinise my wall. Have a look and think whether anything Iā€™ve said seems inaccurate.

Oh also; I might schedule posts to be posted at a certain time, when Iā€™m not online (mainly because I canā€™t resist testing this out :stuck_out_tongue:). All scheduled posts will be marked as such.


i didnā€™t read it

Iā€™ve not used the feature before at all, itā€™s why sometimes in the past Iā€™d just be not posting at all.
After my recent success in BotF Iā€™ve decided that Iā€™m going to be more of a leader and will be more active.

thatā€™s a feature?

If youā€™re saying that those who post walls should be scrutinized then guess what? You should scrutinize it. If youā€™re not going to bother to do that then donā€™t just ignore a post and then do nothing off it. Youā€™re actively harming town by doing so.

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I thought it was based on you saying it lol.

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oh this is me being a programming nerd

a hackerboy, according to tutuu

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which is true! I love programming

ok yeah itā€™s too slow but 3 is super likely optimal

Anyway, I feel we, collectively, need to decide whether weā€™re going for 0/3 (and then vote towny people), or whether weā€™re going for 2/3 (and then vote wolfy people).

2/3 is definitely better, however it has a much lower chance of randomly happening.
(Probabilities, with random jailings:
0/3 ā†’ ~38%
1/3 ā†’ ~49%
2/3 ā†’ ~12%
3/3 ā†’ ~0.5%


There is no way 3 is better, because with 2, every single option is useful info. If we get 1/3 we wasted a day

I do objectively think that going for 3 is insane, especially on D1. It makes more sense when we got more to work with

Yeah this is just a bad move ngl. Its better to pick the loud and dominant people to make sure evils arenā€™t controlling the convo.

I think going for the top of the list and working our way down is just the most optimal for D1

VOTE: Zugzwang and VOTE: tutuu and VOTE: No Prisoner 3