Kittens Game: Combinatorics Mafia - GAME OVER, TOWN WIN

LMAO :sob::sob:

What’s the point of putting Kii and me in jail together (without anyone else)?
It would just confirm Ash is mafia, while we are blind on the othe 6 players in the Poe.

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who do u think is the third wolf?

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Zug. Put your money where your mouth is and send me in alone.
I’ll make you eat your words so hard that you’ll regret everything.
You being confirmed this game has honestly been a plague against me.

Because all you’ve done is been loud and wrong.

No? That would be bad, as it would leave Ash/Marluna unresolved.

Mafia when town get confirmed :rage:


What the fuck do you mean?
They’d be resolved as the fucking 2

VOTE: tutuu
VOTE: hippo
VOTE: bionic

maybe this aiming for 0/3? and if its 1/3 we thunderdome?

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Town when a towny who’s unable to read gets confirmed :rage:

Yep im down for this group

I see no point in doing 0/3

Uh what?

0/3 is same as 1/3 of other 3

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We know there’s at least 1 mafia in the six, so a 0/3 in this group means a 1/3 in the other group of 3.

We 100% should be aiming for PoEing the 6 down to 3 today.

And those voting against it (E.G. Ash) is practically openwolfing.


we’re guaranteed at least one more pick

i dont think going for the win today is optimal

i think gathering as much info is optimal to make the last choice highest % chance to succeed

if not this, at least something else that gathers info. ideally on more than 1 player. if we go for the win we arguably gain info only on 1 player (in worst case scenario which is we dont win). and if we win - we were gonna win anyway tomorrow, like its not optimal to win 1 day faster, a win is a win

Me who is also voting against it as your top town don’t look at me like that