Kittens Game: Combinatorics Mafia - GAME OVER, TOWN WIN

we’re guaranteed at least one more pick

i dont think going for the win today is optimal

i think gathering as much info is optimal to make the last choice highest % chance to succeed

if not this, at least something else that gathers info. ideally on more than 1 player. if we go for the win we arguably gain info only on 1 player (in worst case scenario which is we dont win). and if we win - we were gonna win anyway tomorrow, like its not optimal to win 1 day faster, a win is a win

Me who is also voting against it as your top town don’t look at me like that

Not Hippo, not guava.
Unlikely with Someone.

So I left with you/frost/bionic
From these Frost is the most llikely 3rd mafia member.

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Tutuu, I have made up my mind and going for big win.

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Hey Frost, are you worried that 2 of your teammates were exposed yesterday or something?
Why aren’t you wanting to go for mechanically optimal plays?

Ok, so Frost is cleared.

frankly? I think repeating 2 will give us quite a bit of info

VOTE: KiiVOTE: MarlunaVOTE: guava

It’s a 2/3 x 1/2 x 1/6 = 2/36 = 1/18 today.
And I know that realistically it’s a 0 because the only person who is correct and nobody is listening to is Guava.

I suggest rest of you town to follow my votes today

That’s gonna be a 1.

Good joke.

I wish i was in the dome id be having so much fun rn :weary:

Marluna and kiiruma are flailing, don’t waste your time to debate about Ash

You’re so wrong but honestly at this point if yall want me to just stop playing the game and to allow wolves to win, just let me know because I’m close to giving up. This is ridiculous

hm. there is some utility in this. there is some mild chance for 1/3 too


if we get a 1 i think that’s also valuable info

Cool, alright, GG wolves I’m done defending myself.
I’ll be posting to vote and that’s it.

Yeah but guava/ash team destroys us

With all due respect, I don’t think its guava