Kittens Game: Combinatorics Mafia - GAME OVER, TOWN WIN

??? ok

Has anybody ran calculations or theorized whether it’s better to send 3 or 2 people to jail on day 1?

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I’ll see if my program can run fast enough for that
I suspect 3 is best, though.

Basically don’t be wanting to vote people just because they’re putting effort in. People will use walls to highlight mechancial strategies, it is what I did upon seeing my card and info pre-game.

oh also btw I have strategies for both alignments that can win the game in X amount of guesses or less
I will not reveal those though, at least for now, because then mafia can use them

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I did the same as well.
It’s why I’m only revealing basic things and taking a tiny bit of charge.

Glad to see we’re thinking with the same mindset.


nah prople who post walls should be scrutinized

Then… scrutinise my wall. Have a look and think whether anything I’ve said seems inaccurate.

Oh also; I might schedule posts to be posted at a certain time, when I’m not online (mainly because I can’t resist testing this out :stuck_out_tongue:). All scheduled posts will be marked as such.


i didn’t read it

I’ve not used the feature before at all, it’s why sometimes in the past I’d just be not posting at all.
After my recent success in BotF I’ve decided that I’m going to be more of a leader and will be more active.

that’s a feature?

If you’re saying that those who post walls should be scrutinized then guess what? You should scrutinize it. If you’re not going to bother to do that then don’t just ignore a post and then do nothing off it. You’re actively harming town by doing so.

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I thought it was based on you saying it lol.

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oh this is me being a programming nerd

a hackerboy, according to tutuu

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which is true! I love programming

ok yeah it’s too slow but 3 is super likely optimal

Anyway, I feel we, collectively, need to decide whether we’re going for 0/3 (and then vote towny people), or whether we’re going for 2/3 (and then vote wolfy people).

2/3 is definitely better, however it has a much lower chance of randomly happening.
(Probabilities, with random jailings:
0/3 → ~38%
1/3 → ~49%
2/3 → ~12%
3/3 → ~0.5%