Kittens Game: Combinatorics Mafia - GAME OVER, TOWN WIN

plot twist all the wolves are traitors and game is bastard

Dont call me a traitor wtf

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As if I havent realize Marluna is trying to sow confusion

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Alright, chat; thoughts on a fire drill?


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are you a wolf

is this because it’s 1/3 and you know you will be outed :flushed: :flushed: :flushed:


No, this is Ash. Wrong number?

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anyway bye thread
I will not be on again today

Same. See you on the other side.

Sorry you’re about to be locked in as wolf Ash.
No CFDs for you

[This post has not been removed for violating FoL’s policies on appropriate behavior.]
- not katze

If you want to talk about appropriate behaviour look to your posts earlier D3.

I remembered to show up this eod

This is not helpful this eod

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Yep. Perfect examples of appropriate behavior.
But seriously, I got carried away then with taunting you. Sorry about that.

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It’s all good, I’m sorry for being harsh in retort.
I guess I just felt like I needed to stand up for myself and guava but I didn’t consider how I necessarily sounded in turn.

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good morning!!
my phone died during the night and my mom didn’t wake me up to take me to school because there was a gun threat so I almost missed eod but I’m here now :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:


can we cfd Kiiruma and no one else

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