Kittens Game: Combinatorics Mafia - GAME OVER, TOWN WIN


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I would be fine with the Kii/Someone/Marluna trio too.

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If instead of someone you had to pick between hippo and Guava which would you go for?

I replied about your votes, I can get behind this plan


Same but if there is 1/3 I would cry

At this point I would quite like to be in there myself

Actually this one is fun

VOTE: Frostwolf
VOTE: Bionic
VOTE: Someone

wtf is this

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Donā€™t hate the game hate the player

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Hype hype

VOTE: Someone
VOTE: Bionic
VOTE: Frostwolf103

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We just cant hit another 0/3 today pls

Have more faith brother

From your POV the best that gives is a 2/3

Im like very sure bionic town

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I donā€™t have a strong read on any of these three.

I simply donā€™t want to be jailed with hippo and Som.o together

But mate, I am townie

Frost do you think thereā€™s a chance this group we are on has all mafia in?

Thats why I said from your pov best that gives is 2/3, cuz you should know youre town

I dont see why you would wanna go for that

Zugā€™s list or mine?

Your list

How about:

Me / Frost / Kiiruma