Kittens Game: Combinatorics Mafia - GAME OVER, TOWN WIN


Would still prefer kii hippo marluna; holding back now to not influence too much and to not make wagons stagnant. People get bored if the wagons are stagnant and then change them just for the sake of changing them so theyre not bored, even if its not logical

ehhhhhhhhh Iā€™m starting to think Hippo is town tbhtbhtbh

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Iā€™m very tempted to go with, say, Tutuu/Frost/Hippo

if thatā€™s 0/3 weā€™re in great shape
itā€™s itā€™s 2/3 then uhhhhh weā€™ve skill issued but weā€™re also in great shape
and if itā€™s 1/3 itā€™s mmmmmmmmmm but I still think Tutuuā€™s pretty much locktown so itā€™s not too bad

Now that hippos posting more than my initial wolf read Maybe hippo town but I gotta think harder when im not in pain trying to make cutscenes

I dont think we have a better pairing for hippo than with kiiruma. What is a team that we could send without hippo? It would at the very minimum have to include kiiruma. Kiiruma marluna ash?

oh I was thinking going for town (as in 2084)

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Why not tutuu frost bionic then? I personally trust bionic way more than hippo

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now that I see Derps being wrong on Bionic I am in tinfoil land there
I think W!Bionic doesnā€™t worry about the game too much which allows him to post as he does, unlike most wolves

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I like this too

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Ive never seen bionic wolf; i was hoping that derps would out a confident townread only if he was confident it was reliable and >>>rand accurate

@SirDerpsAlot can you be trusted?

Eh bionic has a pretty clear tone diff as wolf, pretty sure my swapping on them last time was a result of tinfoils lol


can you explain / show differences in that tone? so that we can all see it

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hmm I can try but since D1 of time when I couldnt explain my reads at all its cuz it was a lot of tonal reads when I first started playing, and those are the hardest for me to explain. I dont even always myself know what exactly the tone difference is just that I recognize the pattern difference even not fully understanding the pattern myself

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i guess tutuu/hippo/frost isnt the worst; if its 1/3 its probably hippo + kiiruma + marluna/ash/guava; could get some more benefits if its anything but 1/3

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mafia hippo always leads to mafia kiiruma, can we agree on that at least?

is there a world with mafia hippo and town kiiruma given what both of them did and are doing? i think very unlikely?

whereas mafia kiiruma doesnt necessarily lead to mafia hippo

IDK for sureā€¦ Iā€™d have to reread EOD1 to see if W!Hippo framing T!Kii can make any sense

though rn Iā€™m thinking (regardless of associations) Kii is very likely mafia anyway; what heā€™s pushing today doesnā€™t make sense

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yeah kii mafia

i dont think w!hippo tried to frame t!kiiruma by repeatedly trying to get him in jail. mafia!hippo would have been pushing for a 0/3 in that case

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the basis of my hippo suspicion is him repeatedly trying to put kiiruma in jail together with consensus townread players (who are now green peeked)

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