Kittens Game: Combinatorics Mafia - GAME OVER, TOWN WIN

For good, 1/2 is a lot better then 1/3

wait so. why specifically night chat? as opposed to day chat? (I am not aware of much botc mechanics so I may be missing something here)

Considering good and evil are the only factions here, surely if something is a lot better for one side, it must be a lot worse for the other?

my bad I forgot that its day/night chat thats what I meant

Naw cuz wincon is different

wdym by this


what do you mean what do you mean

the wincons are still mutually exclusive though
if you increase town’s win chance by 1% you have to decrease wolf win chance by 1%

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I mean, would the below be what you meant?

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I think nightchat when I think evil chat due to TOS

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Someone how am I supposed to find you town

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That is true but like only technically

I honestly dont know

surely there is at least something you’d have done differently as another alignment

But like I dont remember what alignment I am when im in the game

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ok well. What if Kii is a wolf, and you were partnered with him? Would you have acted differently then?

is this real

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surely not