Kittens Game: Combinatorics Mafia - GAME OVER, TOWN WIN

I mean it depends on the situation, but usually yes

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what?? how??

If there is a thing like I need to stay alive, like Demon in BotC

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like you just genuinely can’t remember your alignment???

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Then im very aware of it

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Like I dont remember what it was

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I have very bad memory

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if its over 24h I forget almost everything thats like a trivial fact

ok but it’s the entire thing you’re trying to do here? and determines the goal of your play? how wouldn’t you immediately check upon forgetting

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Well I keep notes on what I want to do and what I believe

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So like for example, I always write down my claim in my notebook

does having a fakeclaim not make you know you’re evil

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I just write my actual role if im good

with exceptions like the previous BotC game

also ngl if you don’t remember your alignment then… yeah you probably don’t have tells…

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because how would you have a tell…

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Brak said he could tell from my tone

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So like if he actually can then I would be mad impressed

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I mean I have to know subconsciously since I did see it

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he did but also IDK whether that’s just a difference between interesting role vs not interesting one

actually… how do you remember if your role is interesting

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