Kittens Game: Combinatorics Mafia - GAME OVER, TOWN WIN

Cuz you made me think about it lmao. I normally dont question it

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Since statistically im good like 3/4 of the time


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post joycat

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so im usually not lying to myself

automated post

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thanks me


But yea head injury moment

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Usually bad memory is very ass, but very helpful for stuff like this and my job

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thatā€™s fair tbthtbhbthbtbhtbthbthbthtbth

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how does bad memory help in oneā€™s jobā€¦

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yea was like a few months old

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I handle very important information, leaking it would be very bad

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that makes sense thbthtbthbthbthtbhtbth

But its not like I remember NOTHING I just forget all the details

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I remember opening the DM and reading the role, I dont remember what role it is

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well I do rn but yea

I donā€™t always remember the experience of reading the role, though this time I do because I was hoping really hard to not roll wolf

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Marissa can actually vouch for this btw in the TOS tournament game. We were both on the evil team, and like I got a 95% confident read on my teammate and started pushing. I checked like an hour later, saw he was my teammate, and had to like fake a reason to back off

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well actually that might just be recency bias + I donā€™t think about it much
now that I think about it I also remember being disappointed about being VT in KE

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