Kittens Game: Combinatorics Mafia - GAME OVER, TOWN WIN

oh wow ttbhtthbthtbhtbthbtbt

also wait! actual wolftell?!

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Look im glad im a boring role here lmao, the other 2 are both stressfull af

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Yea thats like the only one

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do not elaborate.

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Tho sometimes I back off a push cuz of like the situation developing, not cuz oh god im pushing my teammate

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And sometimes I intentionally push my teammate, so its tough

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Especially here, since a 1/3 is ideal for evils

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yeah in this game association reads are all insane

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Yea ngl I forgot what my role was again :skull:

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oh also do you enjoy wolf or town more

It depends on the gametype

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like for BotC its Minion > Townsfolk > Outsider >>> Demon

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also is it possible to enjoy one more than the other if you don’t remember your role most of the time

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Mr claimed Evil as Good last game, sure.


I was being serious when I said yes

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hey Kii you should start posting joycats

Oh as Demon im very well aware

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Its why the last time I almost had a mental breakdown midgame

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That and Legion games when im good really push my buttons

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Meh, I mean I’m just here knowing that anything I say means nothing :D
It’s great.

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