Kittens Game: Combinatorics Mafia - GAME OVER, TOWN WIN

Yeah but asking someone what they would do as a specific alignment forces them to think about their alignment to respond intrinsically


read the rest of the conversation and see that he actually had to check his role pm
it’s, like, actually forgotten

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I refuse to believe thats possible

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but it is!

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I dont understand

Im reading this conversation and Im just so confused

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naw im being fr, like I genuinely forget

Do you just not talk to your teamates as mafia then??? I dont understand how one could forget their mafia as mafia

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I forget in like <10 minutes

And it does depend on the role and game setup. Like if im a Demon in BotC im very aware the entire game

And this stresses me the hell out

Do you only use mafia chat if someone specificly @s you? What other reason would you have to check a chat if you truly dont remember your role after 10 min

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Like in the stellaris game, i had it ping me on every message sent

So then youd have tone tells as a wolf, but only when your teammates are actively speaking in theory?

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Yes I think

Someone im forcing you to check your rolecard every conversation I have with you from now on


And I will be setting a timer to remind you to check again if said conversation lasts long enough

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You would need to make me paranoid enough to check

Why would you not check upon being prompted to check

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speaking of, have you checkd it recently?

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