Kittens Game: Combinatorics Mafia - GAME OVER, TOWN WIN

Cuz I wrote it down


thats wrong and you know it, you admitted you know you write it regardless of your alignemnt

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75% of the time its right

youre aware of the fact that you writing im good means nothing, so you should want to check upon being prompted if you actually forgot


As town its directly anti town for you to not check your rolecard upon anyone asking, so by choosing not to check youre going against your wincon 75% of the time

dosent make sense

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how so? I am town, so I am trying to find evils

No you already admitted that youre aware the “im town” in your notes means nothing

I mean it does here because the only roles are town and mafia

But in games with roles that do stuff, it means a lot

also its intrinsicly anti-town because it makes you harder to read, which is bad for town in that moment objectivley

I mean I can look at it but then I tend to be more nervous, regardless of alignment

and checking every 5 minutes will drive me nuts

I check when it makes sense for me to do so

Why would you be nervous if you check and its good? you already think thats what you are otherwise?

checking and confirming its good should change nothing according to what youre telling me

Im just like that, idk why. Same reason why I get nervous leading a presentation that im confident in

Cuz doing so brings a ton of attention on me

plus I do occasionally check, but I wouldnt say if I checked or not normally so its not used against me

It almost feels against the spirit of what this game is to refuse to check your card when asked if you actually forget

Theirs a reason its against the rules not to read your rolecard