Kittens Game: Combinatorics Mafia - GAME OVER, TOWN WIN

Im not questioning that

I think deep down you know intentionally hiding the truth from yourself so you cant lie, is the same as just lying

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The difference is if I dont know if im lying, then im not lying

I make myself forget things I dont want to remember all the time (doesnt work for like really traumatic stuff but rip), its how I cope with things

You felt then need to say “in my eyes” here. What that makes me think is that you know its equivalent to lying, but are using it as an excuse

How can it possibly be the same thing?

mmmmmmmm what game was next…

surely I can remember this…

ok idk for sure. so I’ll just go with a game I remember that may or may not have been next

Stratagem 13.

Team was Abbi/Eliza, I was on @joycat with Spookycat
Town PRs were Guava/Leafia

D1 - Agentt (tied wagons w/ Luka)
N1 - Manaphy (Millium on an alt)
D2 we get suspected but fakeclaim PR. Unfortunately Leafia claims, and asks the other PR to claim, so Guava claims. Somehow people decide it’s best to eliminate outside the claims.
D2 - Beancat
N2 we are very :pensive: but we decide the most likely team is Abbi/Eliza
N2 - Us
D3 - Garfooled
N3 - Leafia
D4 - Luka votes otterpopd; wolves win.

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I dont intentionally forget some stuff like

bro you even remember night actions???

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Why is lying to others worse than lying to yourself?

those are only kills they don’t count nya nya nya

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What makes one fine but not the other?

I hate myself, I dont deserve the truth

Other people dont deserve that

I do remember our night actions that game though. All VTs were actually town point vendors so we first gave Manaphy points, then Guava.

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hate undersells it, I despise myself ngl.

I hide from my problems instead of facing them, and I know and I still do it

I think its silly to see lying to yourself any different as another

I see no problem lying to bad people, my thought process is consistent


People who have done nothing wrong deserve better