Kittens Game: Combinatorics Mafia - GAME OVER, TOWN WIN

is this why your name is someone? coz u keep forgetting ur own name? so when u try to remember it u just think … huh … i was … someone … i forgot …


ok but if we do this and kii is the 1, guava will push ash not kii

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If there’s one out of three then I can trust Guava and Kiiruma are fine.


Tutuu what do you think about Tutuu/Guava jail


Naw its cuz im very forgettable

Then again I think Ash also could be paired with Kiiruma so if it is a 2/3 and guava is the town guava could pop off

just us two? uh. i mean. sure, if u think that’ll be good. i dunno why not send kiiruma with poe members but. sure why not

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or Tutuu/Bionic/Guava

like I feel that coooould be 0/3 and it’d be very helpful if it was

idk I’m going in circles
Kii with poe members might be good too

id prefer this at least over sending 2 people only

the awkward thing for me, is that if we get 1/3, in order to play optimally* our options are kinda restricted

*minimize worst case guesses

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VOTE: Kii VOTE: Guava VOTE: Tutuu

People are saying we should get some wolf or two, instead all three town again, then this may help us at ease to focus.

I feel like this is the safest option

this is bad
then Guava/Kii will tunnel Tutuu

Yeah I am not following this one rofl.

tutuu is obvious town

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this is the one i really wanna avoid. me and kiiruma. if its one wolf between us nothing changes. im gonna keep calling him wolf. he will keep calling me wolf. we wasted the jail. this could give info on guava but me + kiiruma together seems like a waste to me


they are but Kii thinks Tutuu is wolf and Guava hard townreads Kii