Kittens Game: Combinatorics Mafia - GAME OVER, TOWN WIN

Guava and me


we might have to send you in then ngl

Yes, if there’s are two red checks on Ash/Marluna/Kiiruma then I am coming for you

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ok considering people are here I’ll point out a few Marluna posts that I found strange and get people’s thoughts

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Honestly I think current top 3 will give us quite a lot of info, marluna / ash / kiiruma is fair and a 2/3 is huge

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(above refers to Kii/Hippo/Marluna vote)

this is one thing I found strange
the first post, saying it’d be 0/3, pings me (because it reads like a wolf being annoyed at being voted, rather than a town actually evaluating the other’s alignments) but also given the post afterwards saying why they TR them idk if it’s bad

VOTE: Marluna
VOTE: Kiiruma

@tutuu It was fun suggestion but I am moving back there.

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This is the other thing that pinged me - the fact they specifically mention 1 mafia and 2 town, rather than also mentioning 2 mafia and 1 town

oh now that I look at this, they’re no longer trusting Kii on T!Hippo

Why would ever mafia want only 1 non-mafia to beam? Especially after town got a zero?

With that method mafia need 9 night for victory, which is very slow.

I mean. I was a bit tempted jail just Kii, despite it having the same issue

@tutuu I will keep in mind about Guava, he will be good target for day 3.

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Idk about this read, it doesn’t ping me. Derps was being annoying about the team spam and I had a similar thing cross my mind that I was gonna send a slow clapping gif to Derps if it happened to be a 0/3. And Marluna’s logic seemed consistent at the time

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I agree that the “trusting Kii’s judgement on Hippo” is a bit random because Kiiruma hasn’t actually given very good reasong for why they townread me

But also like tbf if Marluna and Kiiruma are both mafia then why are they both townreading me when it seems very plausible all 3 of us are going into jail because the three confirmed town started the day wanting it.

oh btw
Hippo would you call yourself polarized

(and also, do others feel you’re polarized)

What does that mean in mafia terms?

I don’t hate it too, getting a 0 is pretty nice.

polarized is a mafia term

it means people can figure out whether you’re wolf or town easily

Some games people figure out my alignment pretty easily.
But it seems this time it’s not the case.

I would’ve thought I was polarized but it seems I am not.