Kittens Game: Combinatorics Mafia - GAME OVER, TOWN WIN

I was the one telling you not to shoot frost

I legit was trying to help good most of that game

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Gimme a sec my teacher is telling me to get off my phone


I feel like everyone is looking at me like im crazy, 2 is just objectively better then 3

Itā€™s also sooo hard for me to read people when all they talk about is mech/game strategy

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we keep doing 2 until we get a 0

So please donā€™t

Thats all I do tho

Counterpoint: Mechsolving is fun.

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I hate socials

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3 is to aggressive, 2 is better

No itā€™s not it only results in pain

Hello, social deduction game?
I would like to make mechanical reads.


Bingo :dart:

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Iā€™m glad that this is once again all youā€™re popping in here to say.
Itā€™s definitely pro-towny that youā€™re just arguing about 3v2 rather than listening to statistics and also to reads.

At least Iā€™m adding some of my reads.

8 - guavagudetama
7 - Zugzwang
6 - Tutuu, Marluna, Frost, Hippo
5 - beancat, SDA, Ash
4 - Bionic
3 - Someone

Guava in general has had decent progression to reads and the posts feel pure.
Zug and me at least are agreeing mechanically but I am getting some mild deepwolf paranoia
Tutuu had a decent entrance and first few posts. Once again only reason Iā€™m unsure is paranoia due to others.
Frost has had some good posts but others which feels slightly W meta, so Iā€™m on the edge.
I need to see more of Marluna/Hippo so theyā€™re both null but neither of them pings me too badly atm.

Beancat and SDA both have been pinging me in ways which make me worried about being wrong on Me/Tutuu/Zug giving a 0 and I feel like thatā€™s wolfy with potential TMI but :man_shrugging:. Also didnā€™t like how Derps was confidently saying Iā€™d be the wolf of the 3 of us.

Ash has been relatively active yet in comparison to others I donā€™t actually read Ashā€™s posts as good, so Iā€™d put his slot as null-scum atm for lack of towniness.

Bionic needs to start playing the game first and foremost. Secondly I just donā€™t think Bionic feels like theyā€™re playing for the sake of town.

Someoneā€™s actively trying to inflate their posts while providing nothing of worth. Need I say more?

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ā€œnothing of worthā€ lmao. It seems like you are the person not listening, not me.

Iā€™m more than happy to divert into picking 3 wolfy people or 3 questionable people.
I can see arguments for however we want to handle today.
I guess Iā€™m just a bit sensitive to peopleā€™s reads since Iā€™m focusing on trying to do well lol

We should never pick 3 people, 2 is best

It should be quite obvious evils are pushing for 3, since im the only one who wants 2

It is objectively better to get a 0/2 or a 1/2 or a 2/2 then it is to get a 1/3