Kittens Game: Combinatorics Mafia - GAME OVER, TOWN WIN

We must lock people as good so evils cannot sway public opinion, this isnt a viable solution

Locking people as an alignment is the number 1 priority, not getting as much info as possible rn

I would rather know if X is good/evil rather then know 1 out of X/Y/Z is evil

Yeah if 11/12 people are pushing for… the obvious thing we’re supposed to do then yeah I guess the evils are also here

If everyone agrees on something, it means that we should not do that thing

You are so confident in this…

Like girl how do you know

Just as confident with how every time we execute D1, we kill a town

Because evils know each other, like they wont just sit passively and let good just win outright by clearing 1/4 of the players

But that
That’s the whole game

You not being able to think socially makes so much sense

I can once I have things to work with, there is nothing here

Words are just lies, people can say anything as either alignment

Idk why you’re talking like evils chose who we vote

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Cuz evils manipulate public opinion, thats like their whole job wtf you mean

Don’t let them manipulate you then

Being manipulated is simply a skill issue

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Im not the one being manipulated, the rest of you are

Theirs a large difference between being manipulated and everyone mutually agreeing sending 3 people is best lol


Town right?

Town right?

Town right?

Town right?

Town right?

Town right

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Also you won’t learn to make social reads if you never try someone