Kittens Game: Combinatorics Mafia - GAME OVER, TOWN WIN

The Heretic could gamethrow by solving the game normally and not admitting their claim in F3 (has happened before).

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Thatā€™s not how gamethrowing works

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All things considered, Marluna didnā€™t give up until this becomes clear after the majority are voting Marluna over you.

Both sides have played well.

(I also disagree about this six world thing)

Marluna did that to not look partnered with Guava, Ash is 100% mechlocked so there is no amount of defending needed.

Mafia going for 2/3 is not gamethrowing especially they only need one wrong player in there, Marluna is pushing Tutuu, Kiiruma and me.

Telling guava is mafia is technically not gamethrowing

Which is where I come in, to prove the pushes are bad faith

I have the town lead role, Tutuu being best support

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saying ā€œiā€™m mafia and these are my partnersā€ still falls under the gamethrowing rule whether or not it is true, and in this case especially it was still true. marluna was gamethrowing by doing that, even if there is a WIFOM situation with it that could be percieved

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She did it either to throw or to pretend to throw. Both are against the rules.


It is stated that pretending to break the rules will be treated as though you are breaking the rules :wowee: .

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How dare you necropost

That was Maybot, who is not affiliated with me,


I donā€™t know who put that there


since when do you code?

First of all the bot is partially run off a Google Sheet so I donā€™t think that even counts as code really. Second of all I usually donā€™t but I wanted to do this so I did

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My skills lie not in any one particular area but in being able to figure out how to do whatever I want in a reasonable amount of time

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