Kittens Game: Combinatorics Mafia - GAME OVER, TOWN WIN

That was about ash im parsing apprentices post asking why wasnt ash punished

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This post isnt at all in disagreement with my points

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ash had a cuter cat (pretend that this was not posted with a mod tag)

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Okay but this is like public mathematical mech outed not “cop checked”.


You are correct, its shown as 50/50 coinflip between kiiruma

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There’s a significant difference to admitting to being wolf when you’re literally modconfirmed versus when you’re a high-contention slot who is pivotal to the rest of the game. One of them has literally no impact on people’s actions, they know you’re a wolf no matter what, and one of them has substantial impact on the game (because before it happened people could’ve voted either way)

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Even though the other wolves didn’t care about a member unofficially conceding in this case, allowing such unofficial concessions and creating an expectation they might happen is extremely meta-able.

If, when there are runaway correct wagons in the last day of these games, wolves tend to give up, people can read into that fact and know they’re likely incorrect when they have specific wagons and wolves DON’T give up. Very bad!

I don’t think it’s excessive to punish breaks of the rules that have broader impact on the meta of the game. It’s not about whether guava and Ash care that they were locked out of winning this game when they still had a shot. It’s about, like, the broad game integrity issues caused by unofficial concessions. This affects more than just the wolfteam of this one game.


I probably am just confused to what’s going on. I thought someone got swatted for saying “i am wolf” which is ridiculous

If they were conceding or faking concession it’s clearly different

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There was a 50/50 between myself and Marluna, yet Marluna just gave up and outed as wolf, which cleared me and reduced the possible teams from 6 down to 3.

Marluna explicitly named her team, and when people in response swapped to vote a player who wasn’t on her team (thinking she was bluffing), she was like “no I am actually conceding I do not want to lose to a cheap CFD”. It was unambguous throwing


She named guava as the last wolf also. She cut it down to 0 incorrect worlds

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Ye that much worse. I thought they got sent for just being like “lol I’m totally a wolf guys”

the issue, in my view as a non-moderator who had no hand in this decision and was not privy to discussion surrounding it, is largely that having a precedent where somebody has outed themselves and their team but has not conceded the game is ultimately seen as being potentially quite disastrous for site health should any person in future ever look at this very specific scenario and decide that means repeating the behavior is okay

a 1-month blacklist for that does kinda suck but the alternative is being too lax with a genuinely very important rule to enforce

if I were making decisions unilaterally it is likely I would hand out a similar punishment for that reason

however, I’d also probably accept an appeal to significantly shorten the timeframe

no idea if that’s even a thing we do here or not but like I definitely understand the original decision even if I do empathize with the idea that in this hyper-specific scenario it’s probably more stringent than really required for specifically-marluna



Would it be gamethrowing to name the evil team as the Vizier?

broadly speaking, intentionally trying to lose the game is considered gamethrowing, by that standard it would generally be gamethrowing to truthfully out the evil team as Vizier, but Clocktower in particular has some weird mechanics that could occasionally make it not throwing


just saying “I am evil” as Vizier is obviously fine

If you have good reason to know something will substantially harm your team’s chance of winning and you do it anyway, that’s generally gamethrowing*

*If this was strictly enforced we would all be banned

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Heretic allows people to gamethrow without being punished.