Kittens Game: Combinatorics Mafia - GAME OVER, TOWN WIN

its not tho

Why would I read, when I can follow the people who are better at that?

I am good at mech, that is where I thrive. This is why I want 2 not 3

If we go slower (2 at a time) it could go to:
0 in A, B
0 in C, D
0 in E, F
0 in G, H
1 in I, J

Then we’d need to spend up to 2 more to go for:
I, K, L
J, K, L

For a maximum of 7 trials.

And this is if we get lucky enough to get a 2 in one of the 2 trials.
If we get a 1 multiple times then it’s just straight up worse.
We could take 5 trials to get to 3 sets of “This group contains 1 wolf” between 2 players… and that’s so much worse.

The moment we get 1 0, we swap to 3’s

That is the ideal path

actively choosing not to make reads because its too hard is directly against the base of what a social deduction game is

I am saying using your mech is wrong, cuz it puts us behind the mafia guesses way too much.

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why even play at that point tho

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It doesnt though

We either get a 1/2, which is better then a 1/3, or we get a 0/2 and we swap to 3’s

If youre good at mech I dont see the logic in not trying to make mech reads from the get go, you would only be a stronger player if you also got good at social reads. And theirs plenty of people whove shown its more than possible to learn to be better than rand at social reading

Disagree, the base of the game is to deduce who is evil and who isnt, I dont need to shoot potshots on D1 to do that

So in that world let’s go to the worst case scenario again:
1 in A, B
1 in C, D
0 in E, F
0 in G, H, I

We know there’s 1 in K, H, L

In 4 trials we’d know 2 sets of 2 and 1 set of 3 which contains a wolf.

Or alternatively
0 in A, B
1 in C, D, E
1 in F, G, H
1 in I, J, K

This clears L, A, B in 4 trials… which is the same as we get in 3 trials using the 3 person method.

in this case, the first world is objectively better

having 2 evils in 4 people is really strong

Yet we’d have to get very lucky for that.

not at all

that is the WORST case, not the best

you have to shoot pot shots to learn how to hit the target. So again, why wouldnt you want to learn to make social reads and combine that with mechanical knowledge? All youve talked about today is about doing the optimal strategy that gives us more knowledge, why not apply the same logic to your FM gameplay?