Kittens Game: Combinatorics Mafia - GAME OVER, TOWN WIN


Why arent we voting kiiruma anymore

calling out the whole scum team? why would i out all my partners?

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Did they realise we thought they wld be the 1 in 3 mafia so managed to switch the wagons to get them out of it lmao

I mean Guava and me both agreed on the idea of going for evils rather than good. Iā€™m following my top town a bit more than my 2nd highest.

You donā€™t see my progression but itā€™s been there. Iā€™m trying so fucking hard to be able to solve slots, Iā€™m trying to get slots to contribute enough so we can read them. Iā€™ve provided truthful mechanical solves (Without bias) and likeā€¦ ugh.

Read me however you want at this point Zug, you and me both know this game will end in a mechanical solve. But Iā€™ll be trying to help you socially read me too so as when we get to the important parts (After PoEing wolf areas) we can start solving for the truth.

I know this is a joke answer but like

you should practice making and voicing reads in thread even if its all just what your gut says as you read. You dont even have to actually vote their if you prefer to trust others reads like now, but eventually youll hit a point where you go ā€œFuck if I followed my reads we wouldve wonā€ and its a great feeling

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Iā€™m TRYING to be readable for goodness sake.

they decided to swap and go 3 wolves like I asked so they could push not them in the 1/3 lol

donā€™t worry that never happened to me

I know the point is you should make reads and voice what you think while still sheeping others since that dosent put into question your preconvieved ability to win, but still allows you to practice improving social reads and makes reading you a little easier for others

At this point Iā€™ll be perfectly honestā€¦ idc how yall want to read me rn.

I think Iā€™ve been in my town meta and Iā€™ve told yall that my plan was to step up my game as all alignments from the BotF Lizard game. Due to the fact that posting lots and doing wellā€¦ felt so rewarding then.

If yall disagree, thatā€™s fine. Iā€™ll keep trying to lead by using mechanics and pushing for worlds.

If Iā€™ve been a bit charged towards some of yall (Someone, Bionic) then apologies. Itā€™s not meant to be. I want to see yall providing reads because thatā€™s how you can improve as FM players and itā€™d allow us to start to read yall off of that.

no im being fr, i have nothing, not even from gut, other than kiiruma seeing scummy which i already said

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these are conflicting statements yea?

Ok, what about me seems scummy? You can click on my name and then on ā€œ(X) posts in topicā€ to be able to isolate my ISO and then you can look at it in more depth.

Sure, Guava agreed, but do you not think that itā€™s a lot more reasonable to go for a 38% chance than a 12% one?

As far as I can tell, you never consider going for wolves, up until this:

Which isnā€™t even from Guava.

The point is to try to come up with more lol

eventually itll come more intuitivley, I find its helpfull to start only really thinking about town reads and doing a POE style where anyone you dont think is town is POE. Try starting their and finding things people have done you think town would do where mafia wouldnt


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ok ngl this feeling is not always good thbthtbthbthbthbthtbhtb

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