Kittens Game: Combinatorics Mafia - GAME OVER, TOWN WIN

I like this post tbh
I think I might be coming around on Frost? He does seem like he’s trying to solve the game, maybe his opener really was just a coincidence

Also this is reference about the votecount of Derps on global post 259 and end of Day 1

I would from my theory tell that Marluna would be indeed evil

Yeah frost town

I think there’s a wolf in [Tutuu, Frost] but idk which atm

I think its tutuu as well

VOTE: Someone
VOTE: Marluna
VOTE: Hippo

Sheeping the Hippo vote because maybe I’m wrong but I don’t reeeeally get it
I expect this to be at least 1 but most likely 2

Tutuu be doing a whole lot of agendaing i feel

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What does this mean sorry

Yeah… It feels like Tutuu’s been trying to go along with the flow and then pocket peeps too.

Like who?

Frost, most recently.

I’ll ISO tutuu when I get home

How does Hippo connect the dots to any of the two again?

And look for Tutuu x Frost interactions I suppose

He doesn’t I’m just sheeping a third vote because we need to vote 3 people

I’m open to ideas other than Hippo like tutuu as Kiiruma brought up

Guilty as charged, I just

That, except I only looked at beginning and not checking at that time

I do think we can agree Marluna is aligned with Someone with what I brought up from wagonmatics

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Hmm maybe it is marluna/tutuu

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