Kittens Game: Combinatorics Mafia - GAME OVER, TOWN WIN

VOTE: Someone
VOTE: Marluna
VOTE: No Prisoner 3


VOTE: Tutuu
VOTE: Marluna

It feels like Tutuu has been trying to pocket Frost/Someone.
Ash feels like he’s trying to fly under the radar.
Marluna too.

I think Hip/Me are actually T/T
And Guava reads good to me

Tutuu’s also the one who started today’s main wagon.
Right after Derps suggested it.

Which feels like an opportunistic attempt to make it so we get a 1 especially since we’re misinterpreting myself and Hip as non T/T

(catching up)

I feel 2/3 is more useful, as it makes it very, very hard for wolves to control anything.


It is indeed the right time. Also, if we do get 2/3 today, then, by choosing 3 from the remaining 6, we can guarantee 3 more clears.

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I mean that is the aim IMO but as things stand we’re getting a 1.

This post is quite towny ngl
It strongly gives off the impression he believes it’s a clever and good idea

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How do you know both of the other people’s alignments?

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I believe that Hippo is good and Marluna is evil.

Ok who are the 3 then

Cuz im trying to make worlds and its hard af for there not to be 4 evils so its a pain

The 3 I’m voting.

The ‘agenda’ Tutuu is pushing… is exactly what all the confirmed town are pushing. Are we mafia too?

No, you’re unable to listen to a towny who’s trying to keep people up to speed with things.

Good players can be wrong too.
You’re cleared and therefore good, this doesn’t mean you’re right.
I could be wrong too, but I’m trying my best.

And Tutuu has been perfectly pushing agenda


Tutuu yesterday was a major force in getting us to consolidate and compromise into successfully getting a 0/3. They’ve also had many individually towny posts.

Tutuu also does not need to get her hands dirty here. If she’s mafia all the confirmed town will do it for her; there is no reason to actively push agenda.

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Though. I would be very willing to substitute Guava for Marluna here, which would (in your view) make it 0/3. What do you think about that?

Yeah, you remember what the votes originally were like?
Tutuu/You/Me? That’s not a good thing for Tutuu if Tutuu’s planning on being the powerwolf of the trio.

Consolidating to confirm good players who are pushing vastly wrong worldviews, creates the opportunity for evils to be able to coast to a free victory.


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