Kittens Game: Combinatorics Mafia - GAME OVER, TOWN WIN

I’m voting what I think could be a 3/3.
You can go for what you think is a 0/3 (or a 2/3 or 3/3 and you’re just humouring me).
I honestly am not bothered by that.

I was referring to later in the day - though Tutuu/Me/You would’ve been quite good for W!Tutuu, as you’d be the main suspect (and as you know, checking a single person is mechanically suboptimal, so it would not be a Tutuu/me dome for a good while).

I mean from your perspective it’d be Me/Tutuu and you’d be tunneling me.
From my perspective it’d be You/Tutuu and I’d be tunneling Tutuu.

I think Tutuu is the deep wolf. What were the wagons looking like while Tutuu helped “consolidate” the wagons?

Because perhaps we can analyse that a bit.

Tutuu pushing TOWN agenda

Part 1

Wagons as of the above:

Zugzwang (8): Someone, beancat, Zugzwang, Kiiruma, Marluna, tutuu, Ash, Hippopablompoyeetus
Someone (6): beancat, Kiiruma, Marluna, Hippopablompoyeetus, guavagudetama, Frostwolf103
Kiiruma (4): beancat, Ash, Frostwolf103, SirDerpsAlot
SirDerpsAlot (4): Zugzwang, tutuu, Ash, Bionic
guavagudetama (3): Zugzwang, Kiiruma, Frostwolf103
Marluna (3): Marluna, Hippopablompoyeetus, SirDerpsAlot
tutuu (2): Someone, tutuu
Ash (2): guavagudetama, Bionic
Frostwolf103 (2): guavagudetama, SirDerpsAlot
No Prisoner 3 (1): Someone
Bionic (1): Bionic

I suppose from T!Kii’s perspective, they may look like a deepwolf, but in Kii’s proposed world, 3 out of 4 wagons they suggest are 0/3.

For the game at large, chances are Someone and Bionic are both town, which means 2 out of 4 are 0/3.

Part 2

Wagons before:

Zugzwang (8): beancat, Kiiruma, Marluna, tutuu, Ash, Hippopablompoyeetus, Someone, Zugzwang
Someone (8): beancat, Kiiruma, Marluna, Hippopablompoyeetus, guavagudetama, Frostwolf103, Someone, Zugzwang
SirDerpsAlot (5): tutuu, Ash, Bionic, Someone, Zugzwang
Kiiruma (4): beancat, Ash, Frostwolf103, SirDerpsAlot
Marluna (3): Marluna, Hippopablompoyeetus, SirDerpsAlot
guavagudetama (2): Kiiruma, Frostwolf103
Ash (2): guavagudetama, Bionic
tutuu (1): tutuu
Frostwolf103 (1): guavagudetama
Bionic (1): Bionic
Hippopablompoyeetus (1): SirDerpsAlot

Derps and I are confirmed town, and Someone is very likely town.

Part 3

Kiiruma (6): Ash, Frostwolf103, SirDerpsAlot, Hippopablompoyeetus, tutuu, Zugzwang
Someone (5): Kiiruma, Marluna, guavagudetama, Frostwolf103, Someone
guavagudetama (5): Kiiruma, Frostwolf103, Hippopablompoyeetus, tutuu, Zugzwang
Zugzwang (4): Kiiruma, Marluna, Ash, Someone
Hippopablompoyeetus (4): SirDerpsAlot, Hippopablompoyeetus, tutuu, Zugzwang
SirDerpsAlot (3): Ash, Bionic, Someone
Marluna (2): Marluna, SirDerpsAlot
Ash (2): guavagudetama, Bionic
Frostwolf103 (1): guavagudetama
Bionic (1): Bionic

Not Voting (1): beancat

Here, Tutuu pushes for Kii/Hippo/Guava, and there’s enough traction for a realistic chance of it. If you believe Kii/Hippo/Guava has 2 or more wolves, which is likely, then this looks very good. And if you believe it’s pure, as Kii does, then that’s also very good.

Part 4

All of this is extremely townsided.

Part 5

Now, pinging people to encourage them to vote 0/3.

Wagons as of Tutuu’s post:

SirDerpsAlot (6): Ash, Someone, Bionic, SirDerpsAlot, tutuu, beancat
Zugzwang (5): Ash, Kiiruma, Someone, tutuu, beancat
Someone (4): Frostwolf103, Kiiruma, guavagudetama, Someone
Kiiruma (3): Ash, Frostwolf103, Hippopablompoyeetus
guavagudetama (3): Frostwolf103, Hippopablompoyeetus, Kiiruma
beancat (3): SirDerpsAlot, tutuu, beancat
Ash (2): guavagudetama, Bionic
Bionic (2): Bionic, SirDerpsAlot
Hippopablompoyeetus (1): Hippopablompoyeetus
Frostwolf103 (1): guavagudetama

Not Voting (2): Marluna, Zugzwang


(forgot to respond to this for a bit)

I remember thinking Ash was a bit unpaired from Kii, based on how Ash was quite confident that if Me/You/Kii was 1/3, the wolf was Kii. Considering that had a pretty good chance of being the jail at the time, it’s awkward for Ash to set himself up to have to bus his partner the next day.

I don’t think it’s that unpairing but it’s <rand at least.

Attempting to prevent me from being confirmed.
I used to have a volume tell where I’d post a lot more as evil than good, so I’m an easy frame.
Also one of the worlds was them trying to include themselves, the other ones are them trying to garner favour with the town.

Someone/Me/Guava were all high votes.
And Tutuu pinging to get votes to be consolidated was to leave it so the frame slots were uncleared.

This is written for both you and everyone else - I realize that, from a T!You perspective, some of this looks meh (though some still looks very good!). For everyone wolfreading you though, all of it is good.

Your reasons for Ash/Marluna are quite weak. Whereas you are quite, quite confident that Guava is town, and pretty confident Hippo is town.

Plus, You/Guava/Hippo are the most wolfread players in the game, so clearing you guys would be very helpful.

Don’t you think that voting them, and having a chance of that wagon going through, is far better than voting a vanity that is not happening?

Considering this, it’s very wolfy of you to not switch to Guava/You/Hippo. W!You doesn’t want to do that, because it’s likely a 2/3 or 3/3. T!You should very much want to switch here.

Getting a 3/3 is my wincon.
Getting a 0/3 isn’t.

I’m more than happy for us to have that 0 since it’ll let us confirm more people easily.
But atm I’m voting for my wincon

If we get votes on Guava and not on Marluna, I’ll vote.

You and I both know that a Tutuu/Ash/Marluna wagon is not happening. You’re voting vanity.

If you continue voting Ash/Marluna/Tutuu, then realistically a You/Marluna/Hippo wagon will go through - and in your view that’s much worse for your wincon than a 0/3.

Like, I’m willing to compromise here onto Guava/You/Hippo. And there’s a good chance a lot of town will be willing as well.

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I’ll 100% switch votes when Marluna stops being a top wagon and Guava starts being one.

Anyway you’re like super trusted and I’m not so if you can get people to mobilise that it’d be great.

yeah I was (and am) pondering it

@tutuu @SirDerpsAlot @beancat

Given the above posts, what do you think about switching to Kii/Hippo/Guava?

Do it

I’m kinda feeling that W!Kii means that at least one of Hippo/Marluna is wolf tho thbthtbhtbhtb
Kii’s current push is pretty awkward and it would make more sense to go with something easier to justify if the wolfteam wasn’t in major danger


Can you please just see a world in which I’m good.
As I’m telling you now, you will cause us to lose this game if you keep leading us down this path.