Knight-Errant - A Normal Game Mafia Wins!

Their also mostly just factually wrong if we want to discuss the psychology of interrogations? (which I would to an extent consider mafia just a bunch of people interrogating each other over and over)

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Playing wolf this game was fun, but this game confirms I hate LyLO even as wolf


i love lylo lol


Mafia is a silly game you play with your friends

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lylo is fun, I used to play a lot of lylo but then when I played a lot before I took a long break I was too good at replicating my tone between town/wolf games so everyone was scared to let me live late game

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You absolutely didnt read that before liking it

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Oh i was pissed about this shit there was alot of shit talking she did…


What was the site Crescent was from again?

i never make it to lylo as town, so i never get the chance

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Chris is a teacher and likes to help young players if it wasnt for chris and people like him i wouldnt be playing today.

Creasent and Blade(meow) can be very very bitter.
Fol has become my home away from home mafia wise


glad to hear, dont mind my common doomer attitude towards FoL, i love this site


Yeah FoL is very different from MU (Where I primarily play) so this game was pretty odd


I plan to play more serious again soon but I wanted to play like normal my first few games back just to remember why I enjoy mafia so much


I can’t wait to host Minority Rule that shit is gonna slap so hard

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I would play on MU more but discourse is just so much better to play with imo

Not being able to multi ISO made me want to kill myself

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Fair. I dont have the patience to ISO people very often so its not something I tend to do

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the one thing i do like about discourse isoing, is its so ez to quote write thoughts, quote, write thoughts, and so on, i very prefer iso diving here than on MU, now if this site was able to implement a vote history tool, id be a happy man

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someone let me make a vote history tool it cant be that difficult

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